  • 學位論文


The Application of Goal Programming to Allocate Resources for Cultural Heritages: The Case of Privately-owned Heritages and Historic Buildings of Taipei City

指導教授 : 衛萬明


永續發展已成為先進國家共同的發展目標,而延續此永續發展之概念於建成環境的規劃設計上,除了發展先進的實體節能建材與設計外,對於富含人文意義之古蹟或歷史建築進行適當的保存維護,其不僅能增進環境效益與社區意識,更可藉此保存城市的歷史與記憶,讓下一代能窺見我們的過去,進而達到文化資產永續保存的目標。然而,目前國內許多被指定為古蹟或歷史建築之文化資產,其維護工作仍未完善,對於再利用之計畫與執行也始終尚未有突破性之規範,導致古蹟流於形式上的「保留」,卻沒有達到真正「保存」的意義。 同時,在都市成長及土地資源有限之壓力下,地方政府為了使土地資源更有效率的被利用,在對於文化資產之保存、再利用或拆除之決定時,將會面對多方利益關係者之不同意見與輿論壓力導致其在文化資產維護之優先性選擇上亦遭遇許多困境。過去對於文化資產維護之論述與再利用方案評選之研究僅止於評選出方案之優先順序,尚未進行評選後之資源分配,並應用於現實政策中。有鑑於此,本研究欲採用一整合性的研究方法,以解決古蹟與歷史建築在管理及維護上之資源分配時可能遇到的問題,並以台北市私有古蹟與歷史建築為例,進行實證研究與探討。 本研究期望透過文獻分析、專家問卷,並結合模糊理論、模糊分析網路程序法以及目標規劃等方法之應用,建構一個在有限資源的限制因素考量下,針對古蹟與歷史建築維護補助經費申請案之優先性進行評選與最佳資源分配之模式建立,從申請案件中評選出最佳的方案,並建立經費要求與目標設定,以多目標規劃考量都市發展下之各種限制因素,以求出最優先且可執行的方案,使文化資產的維護工作能適時適切地執行,避免資源的誤置,而導致資源浪費或績效不佳的窘境。


Proper maintenance and preservation of significant cultural heritages or historic buildings is necessary. It can not only enhance environmental benefits and a sense of community, but also preserve a city's history and people’s memory. It allows the next generation to be able to get a glimpse of our past, and achieve the goal of sustainable preserved cultural assets. However, the management of maintenance work has not been appropriate for many designated heritages or historic buildings so far. The planning and implementation of the reuse has yet to have a breakthrough specification. It leads the heritages to a mere formality of being “reserved”, in stead of the real meaning of “conservation”. For the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage today, it is an important task because of its historical significance, symbolism, and economic benefits. Decision makers or executors while making decisions often encounter which heritage to prioritize to be restored within the limited budget. However, very few tools are available to determine appropriately restoration priorities for the diverse historical heritages, perhaps because of a lack of systematized decision-making aids. In the past, the discussions of management and maintenance towards cultural assets were limited to the selection of reuse alternatives, not the allocation of resources, and applied to real policies afterwards. In view of this, this research is going to adopt integrated research methods to solve problems that decision-makers might encounter when allocating resources in the management and maintenance of heritages and historic buildings. The purpose of this study is to develop a sustainable decision making model for local governments to resolve these problems. We propose an alternative decision support model to prioritize restoration needs within the limited budgets. The model is constructed base on fuzzy Delphi, fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) and goal programming (GP) methods. In order to avoid misallocate resources, this research proposes a precise procedure that can take multi-stakeholders views, limit costs and resources into consideration. Also, the combination of many factors and goals has been taken into account to find the highest priority and executable results. To illustrate the application we propose in this research, nine cultural heritages in Taipei city has been used as an empirical study, and the results are analyzed to explain the model’s efficiency.


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