  • 學位論文

論「情事變更原則」與「擬制變更理論」之連結關係 -以我國公共工程契約爭議為核心

The Connections between “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” and “Constructive Change Theory” -Based on the Public Construction Contract Disputes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 向明恩


工程契約變更之原因眾多,當發生非可歸責於雙方之契約變更事由時,承包商常以「情事變更原則」作為其請求權基礎,惟出於該原則構成要件之嚴謹性使然,情事變更之舉證確實有其困難性,法院亦多以構成要件之不符合,而駁回承包商之主張。從而,基於公平正義之原則下,有認為應尋求美國「擬制變更理論」作為承包商之請求權基礎,以衡平調整當事人間之權利義務關係,惟我國對此並未設有相關規範,故該理論自不得當然適用施行於我國,究竟如何解決此問題,仍有待我國法律之解釋及適用。然有疑問者,在於「情事變更原則」與「擬制變更理論」究竟是否屬於相同之概念,抑或是不同之概念,兩者之間究有何種關聯,為何有將其相提並論者,此皆係本文所欲探究之課題所在。 職此,本文欲先了解「情事變更原則」與「擬制變更理論」之理論發展以及其詳細內涵;又因「擬制變更理論」係美國法上之制度,接著探討「擬制變更理論」引入我國之求償基礎為何,其與「情事變更原則」間是否具有關聯性,如有關聯,則其上位概念又為何,且如何連接起兩概念;最後再研究「情事變更原則」與「擬制變更理論」之界線劃分,並分析於我國工程實務下,究竟在何種情形應適用「情事變更原則」,抑或是「擬制變更理論」,是否有一定之標準可供遵循,就此作出實質的討論與意見,俾作為實務界之參考。


Construction changes for many reasons. Where the occurrence of construction variation is not accountable to both parties, contractor often assert “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus”. Whereas, due to principle of prudence, the burden of proof in estab-lishing “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” indeed has essential difficulty. Court usually dismissed contractor's claim for the fact did not comply with the elements. In order to manage this kind of change controversies, some studies hold that the “Constructive Change Theory” under the law of the U.S. may be the proper way for contractor to equitably adjust the rights and obligations between both parties based on the princi-ples of fairness and justice. However, there is no similar regulation in Taiwan to in-troduce this theory. Thus, how to solve this problem is still waiting for the interpre-tation and application under the law in our country. Nevertheless, there are questions about whether the “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” and “Constructive Change Theory” belong to the same concept or not, what is the connection between these principles, and why should someone mention these principles in the same breath, all of the above-mentioned questions shall be the primary emphasis of this thesis. As a result, this study aims to investigate the development and content of the “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” and “Constructive Change Theory”. Then, discusses what is the basis of claim right to apply the “Constructive Change Theory” in our country and the connection with “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus”. Finally, analyzes the differences between the “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” and “Constructive Change Theory” and research what circumstances and standards should apply to “Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus” or “Constructive Change Theory” under the public construction contracts in Taiwan, therefore, providing a directive opinion to the law practice.




