  • 學位論文


Duty System of Contract and Good Faith Principle

指導教授 : 吳光明


民事實體法最主要的理想在於劃分人與人之間的權利義務關係,然而此種理想與現實上往往存在著差距-就猶如原本是希望拿著刀子切牛排,但結果卻變成拿著鐵棒拍打肉末-不是劃分的工具不堪用,就是被劃分的標的過於模糊而拿以下手。因此,為此論文之主要目的有二:一、讓肉末變成牛排-將此「被劃分的標的」予以類型化、具體化而讓權利義務之劃分成為可能;二、讓鐵棒變成牛排刀-將「劃分之工具」予以銳利化、細緻化,使得權利義務之劃分具備一定程度之精確性與可預期性。 首先,就前述之「目的一」而言,本文透過一般學說、實務對於義務群以「主卅從」、「內容」、「存在時點」、「來源」等各種面向之分類、觀察以達到對於被劃分之標的(也就是權利義務關係)具體化之效果。 再者,鑒於劃分權利義務關係之工具-民事實體法有其現實上之不足處,其往往須仰賴「誠信原則」之輔助始能成事。因此就前述「目的二」而言,本文透過誠信原則於「本質」、「功能」等面向之觀察、討論,以期達到將上述「劃分權利義務關係之工具」精緻化之效果。 而本文於討論完上述兩點後,復就「目的一」部分中,一般學說、實務對於義務群分類上之疑義予以說明並提出本文所認為較為理想之架構。 上述之架構若反應於章節安排,可如下所示: 第一章為緒論,主要針對本文之研究動機、研究問題以及研究方法進行概述。 第二章之內容主要是就「義務」之本身,依各種不同之分類體系為介紹。 第三章就「誠信原則」之意義、發展、本質、功能及其與義務之間的關係為介紹。 第四章則則主要係就我國學說與實務所建構之「依主卅從為區分」之義務體系為介紹及檢討。 第五章針對前述章節之總結,並針對我國義務體系未來之展望給予建議。


The main ideal of the civil substantive law is to demarcate the rights and the duties between people. However, there often exist gaps between the ideal and the reality . It is just like wanting to use a knife to cut a steak, but the result turns into holding an iron bar to beat minced meat . It is either because the tool is too worn, or because the subject is too vague to begin. Therefore, this thesis has two main purposes: the first one is to make the minced meat into a steak - let " the subject " be typed, and make the relationship of rights and duties become as specific as possible; the second one is to make the iron bar become into a steak knife – let "the tools of demarcation" to be sharp, careful, and then make the demarcation of rights and duties be some degrees of precision and predictability. First, for the first purpose, this thesis intends to be through the duty system’s classification of "major / minor", "content", "existing point " and "source" to observe various angles of general theory and practice of court to achieve a concrete demarcation of the relationship between rights and duties. Moreover, for the second purpose, from the view of the tool of division of rights and duties, civil substantive law has its deficiencies in realty. It often has to rely on support of "good faith". Therefore, this thesis intends to be through the discussion and observation of good faith principle in the "essence", "functions" to make "the tool of demarcation of rights and duties" become refined and sharp. After discussing these two points, this thesis returns to the first purpose section. I will try to explain the doubts of the classification of duty system. These doubts often exist in general theory and practice of court. Then, I will present my own view of the ideal structure of duty system’s classification. To follow the foregoing ideas, the arrangements of this thesis can be as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction. It will illustrate the main motivation for this study, research questions and research methods. Chapter 2 is mainly on the " duties " of its own. It will introduce the full view of duty system through different classifications. Chapter 3 is mainly on "good faith principle." The emphasis will put on discussing its meaning, development, nature, function and the relationship between it and duties. Chapter 4 is mainly to review and reconstruct the structure which general theory and practice of court adoption of duty system's classification of "major / minor". Chapter 5 is the summary of the previous sections and will give advices to the future prospects of duty system.


duty obligation good faith




曹桂綾(2017)。不當干擾締約之救濟 -以消費者契約為中心〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700145
