  • 學位論文


Applying XML in historical information extraction

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


我們在網路上瀏覽之所謂的傳統的歷史資訊,非常繁複且結構薄弱。我們需要自行過濾掉其他不必要的資訊來得到目標資訊。這動作不但費時且效率不佳,因此萌生了”如果能以事件為核心作歷史資訊的蒐集整理,在資訊典藏與分享交換上將更快更精確。”的想法, 因此, 在本研究中,我們將制定一套以事件為核心的歷史事件後設資料框架格式,並利用ABC 事件感知模型為後設資料的基礎架構參考, 建立一歷史資訊模組,配合此模型及相對應的後設資料格式, 進行歷史事件的資訊典藏, 模組最後利用XML資料交換格式將模組內的後設資料轉換輸出, 此舉有助於歷史領域的知識分享與典藏。


後設資料 歷史資訊 XML ABC 模型


Since conventional historical records we browse on the WWW are miscellaneous and lengthy writing. We have to spend lots of time to collect and extract the accurate information. If historical information are classified into a unified form, the use and the share is easier and faster. In this paper we use the ABC event-aware metadata model, developed within the Harmony project, by applying it to a complex history event archive. Based on a metadata schema generated using the ABC model, we developed a historical module. We use a description framework to describe historical events based on Dublin core, and a Corresponding xml schema, for historical events collection. Such descriptions will hopefully lead to improved fine-grained resource discovery, interoperability between different metadata schemes. This enables users viewing “event” as the central element when searching their own personalized information. Also, we also provide a XML standard in historical domain. Historical information output will be more integrated and flexible. Also the access reusability upgrades and easier to use.


metadata historical information XML ABC model


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