  • 學位論文


An analytical study the relationship between incentive contract and information disclosure decision

指導教授 : 邱士宗


本研究運用賽局理論來探討不同的獎酬契約對經理人資訊揭露決策會有什麼不同的影響。   本研究探討獎酬契約分為兩個層面,(1)在單期的狀況下,首先將獎酬契約分為固定薪酬契約和變動薪酬契約,首先探討不同獎酬契約下經理人的效用,再來探討公司的效用。(2)在多期的狀況下,除了先將獎酬契約分為固定薪酬契約和變動薪酬契約,另外再將變動薪酬契約配合若揭露不佳續不續約兩種,第一種變動薪酬契約為無論揭露結果為何下期仍會續約,第二種變動薪酬契約則是若上期揭露評鑑結果不佳下期不再續約。首先探討三種不同獎酬契約經理人的效用,再探討公司的效用為何。   本研究結果發現,在單期狀況下固定薪酬契約是沒有效用的,並不能使經理人努力揭露,變動薪酬契約若有給予足夠的獎勵金是可以誘使經理人努力揭露。在多期的狀況下,所有獎酬契約給予足夠的獎勵金皆可以誘使經理人努力資訊揭露,而第二種變動薪酬契約誘使經理人努力揭露的獎勵金最低,第一種變動薪酬契約次之,最後是固定薪酬契約。對於公司效用則是第二種變動薪酬契約最高,第一種變動薪酬契約次之,最後是固定薪酬契約。因此公司是可以藉由獎酬契約來誘使經理人去努力揭露,只要公司給予的薪酬夠高,經理人會願意揭露公司詳細的資訊,進而降低股東與經理人間的資訊不對稱。


獎酬契約 資訊揭露


This research uses a game-theoretical model to study the effects of compensation contract on the disclosing incentive of managers. The compensation contracts consider here can be classified two dimensions : the single period or mult-period and fixed wages and variable wages contracts. After observing the contract offered by company, the manager will select the disclosure decision to max his utility On the company's side, it will select the contract to achieve the largest profit, according to the manager responds. The results show that the single period : the fixed wages contract does not provide the incentive to the manager to disclose, while the variable contract with the large bonus does. On the other hand, all kinds of mult-period contracts provide incentive contract with different costs. the company should consider all benefit and cost in the selection of compensation contract .


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