  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis on the Distribution of Community Development Policy Benefit in Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅清俊


本論文從政治面的角度觀察過去幾年社區發展政策利益的分配情況。歸納過去針對社區政治性議題的相關研究,筆者將「政黨差異」、「立委的選舉制度性因素」以及「社區發展協會理事長職務差異」作為本論文的研究主軸,希望透過實證性的研究途徑,運用多元迴歸分析模型分別觀察縣市政府的社區發展預算以及中央政府(包含內政部與文建會)的社區發展協會補助經費資料,在控制相關變數的情況下,分析上述三個研究焦點對於社區發展政策利益分配的影響。 本論文發現,首先,縣市長的黨籍確實會影響內政部給予社區發展協會補助經費的分配,也就是說在民進黨中央執政期間,民進黨執政的縣市確實會得到比較多的補助經費。另一方面,縣市政府的預算與文建會的補助資料雖然沒有達到統計上的顯著水準,但是從迴歸係數的符號來看仍是符合本論文的預期,即民進黨執政的縣市有可能會編列較多的社區發展預算以及獲得較多文建會補助經費。 其次,立委選舉制度性因素中的「選區員額差異」與「票倉區因素」確實也會影響內政部補助經費的分配,我們發現當立委選區員額數愈多時,社區發展協會獲得的補助經費反而會愈少,說明立委有可能產生「搭便車」的動機而不會積極地去爭取補助經費。另一方面,立委票倉區內的社區發展協會數量愈多,社區發展協會獲得的補助經費也會愈多,由此可知當社區發展協會是立委票倉區內重要的團體時,為了獲得社區成員的支持,立委就可能會重視社區的需求,積極地為社區發展協會爭取政府補助經費。文建會的補助經費資料雖然未達到統計上的顯著水準,不過迴歸係數的符號都與內政部的資料分析一致,符合本論文的預期。 最後,我們也發現社區發展協會理事長是否同時擔任村里長對於社區發展協會獲得內政部或文建會的補助經費都具有明顯的差異。然而過去的研究認為社區發展協會理事長與村里長由同一人擔任有助於社區發展協會爭取到更多政府補助經費,我們的研究結果顯然不支持這樣的看法,我們發現當社區發展協會理事長同時擔任村里長時,社區發展協會所獲得的政府補助經費反而會愈少,兩者呈現的是負向關係。 本論文透過實證性的研究途徑,分析過去幾年我國社區發展政策利益的分配情形,一方面可以擴充台灣社區政治面研究的視野,另一方面也提供實證性的證據來檢證相關政治因素的影響。此外,我們全面比對社區發展協會理事長與村里長的資料,分析其與政府補助經費的關係,也提供一個新的研究觀點。


This thesis observes the distribution of community development policy benefits over the past few years from the political perspective. According to the past researches related to political issues, we focus on the influence of party, electoral institution of legislator, and the president of community development association on the distribution of policy benefit. The author uses multiple regression analysis to analyze the budget for community development of county and the grant for community development associations from central government (including the Ministry of the Interior, MOI, and the Council for Cultural Affairs, CCA) . The statistical findings are shown that, first of all, the county magistrate’s party membership does influence the allocation of the grant of MOI. In the sense that during the DPP administration in central government, counties that hold by DPP receive more MOI grants than other counties. On the other hand, the county government's budget and CCA grants data do not reach statistical significance level, but the sign of the regression coefficients is still in line with expectations in this thesis. Second, the legislator’s electoral institution factors, including district magnitude and vote-concentrated area, also influence the allocation of funds to the community development association of MOI. We find that the counties with large legislative district magnitude receive limited funds. Furthermore, when legislator’s vote-concentrated areas have more community development associations, the county tend to receive more funds. While CCA grants data do not reach statistical significance level, but the sign of the regression coefficients is still in line with expectations in this thesis. Finally, we find that the grants for community development association from MOI or CCA do make difference, if the president of community development association serve the post of village chief or not. However, past studies suggest that the president of community development association and the village chief by the same person will secure more grant, our findings clearly do not support such a view. We find that both show a negative relationship.




