  • 學位論文


Practice and Maintenance of the Social Contract-Democratic Control of Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers and Right of Resistance-

指導教授 : 陳春生


民主這個詞,在現行民主國家中幾乎是所有人都能朗朗上口,不過如何具體落實到國家的體制內操作,就這方面而言,卻不是所有人皆能瞭解,從而無法真正瞭解民主是如何在我們日常生活中貫徹及實踐。 本論文試著透過民主正當性的概念推展,藉由蒐集國內外政治及法律文獻,以及大法官解釋作為論證基礎,討論我國法律體制之內是如何具體落實民主的機制,並分析其利弊得失後,特別是因法律制度設計上的缺陷,而不斷耗損及侵蝕人民可得影響及控制的管道,最終導致一切的民主控制幾近崩毀及失控時,人民是否仍然保有其他修復並捍衛民主的永恆不滅之手段。不過在討論這些問題時,必須先行討論的是國家統治人民的正當性基礎,否則所有的民主機制將會遭遇到動搖根本的危機。 因此筆者先從霍布斯、洛克及盧梭三者的古典社會契約論出發,探討國家存立的正當性基礎,並且探究其理論是如何影響到現行民主國家,以及其如何轉化為民主正當性,具體個別落實時我國立法、行政及司法三權,並且探究其優劣。最後討論當這些機制不斷的遭到國家機關弱化,甚或棄如敝屣時,人民手上自當握有終極的權利,以排除此種情況的發生,否則民主將不復存在。


This discussion is trying to be promoted through the concept of democratic legitimacy. By collecting J.Y. Interpretation, political and legal literature of domestic and internation, taking above as a demonstration basis for discussion within Republic of China legal system is to show the implementation of the democratic mechanism, and to analyze their pros and cons. Especially the flaws of legal system eroded the way that people can influence and control, which eventually led to all the democratic control of nearly collapses. Therefore the people should own the measure to fix and defense of democracy mechanism. When talking about these issues, we must first discuss the legitimacy basis of the national rule, otherwise all the democratic mechanism will encounter the fundamental crisis. Therefore discourse is starting about Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau(the three classical social contract theorists) and explores their theoretical impact on the existing democratic countries. Then it will explain how their theories are translated into democratic legitimacy, especially in the legislative, administrative and judicial powers of Republic of China. Finally, when the state power of people control has been weakend, people should have the right to deal with this problem, otherwise democracy will exist no longer.


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