  • 學位論文


Case Study on the Forming Process for Police Officer’s Alcoholism Behavior

指導教授 : 侯崇文


本研究係以○○縣政府警察局有酗酒習性之警察人員39名進行調查分析,以了解其飲酒形成歷程及其影響因素,並建構警察人員飲酒過量動機之模式。冀望找出各階段影響酗酒行為之原因,並提出解決或戒除員警酗酒行為。 本研究發現影響飲酒行為的因素是多元化的,其中有工作壓力、個人性向及機關副文化等因素,而一般認為工作壓力是造成酗酒的主要因素。員警酗酒行為的歷程可分為初步飲酒時期、中期飲酒時期及長期飲酒時期等三個階段,初步飲酒時期的影響因素係以工作環境或其原生家庭為主,本階段只是好玩或淺嚐性質,多屬社交性質;中期飲酒時期則係飲酒者逐漸形成每天喝酒的習慣,而且會找酒喝,喝酒也漸漸形成其因應生活工作壓力事件的方法之一;長期飲酒時期,飲酒者飲酒量及飲酒時間明顯增加,並且出現酒癮的症狀,酒精的問題直接影響工作、家庭及生活,連同家人也受酒精問題影響,酗酒除本身的嗜好及社交外,紓解工作壓力也是主要原因之一,此階段經常伴隨著人生的重要轉捩點或重要事件的發生。本研究並針對研究結果,提出紓解員警工作壓力及戒除酒癮之建議,以供相關單位及警察同仁參考。 關鍵詞:工作壓力、壓力來源、酗酒行為、員警酗酒,紓壓方法。


This study based on investigation and analysis of police officers who have alcoholism behaviors in one of County Police Bureau aims to understand the forming process and influencing factors of their drinking and construct a model for police officer’s motivation of excessive drinking, hoping to find out the causes that influence on alcoholism behavior in each stage, and releasing solutions or trying to abstain from police officer’s alcoholism behavior. This study finds out influencing factors of drinking behavior is diversification, including work stress, personal aptitude and institutional subculture, etc. In general, work stress is the main factor causing alcoholism. The process of police officer’s alcoholism behavior divides into three stages, i.e. preliminary, medium term and long term drinking. Influencing factor for a drinker in the stage of preliminary drinking is mainly formed in work environment or family origin, mostly attributable to social nature of drinking for fun or taste; a drinker in the stage of medium term drinking has gradually formed daily drinking habit and is eager for drinking, which is also becoming a way to relieve stress from life and work; a drinker in the stage of long term drinking may obviously increases excessive drinking and drinking time, along with symptom of alcohol addiction. The problem of alcoholism will directly affect work, family and life; moreover, family members may be affected by alcoholism problem. Relief of work stress is one of the main causes of alcoholism other than drinker’s hobbies and social life. Meanwhile, significant turning points or events in ones life are always occurred in this stage. According to research results, this study makes suggestions as to relieve police officers’ work stress and try to abstain from their alcohol addiction, which are available for relevant authorities and police officers’ references.


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