  • 學位論文


employee theft in fast-food chain industry

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


本研究使用訪談法與觀察法,探討速食連鎖業裡之員工偷竊行為。訪談對象有6位,分別是速食連鎖業之管理者2位以及員工4位,觀察餐廳則有2家。研究結果發現,員工偷竊的現象確實存在,主要的類型有打烊後將食物帶走、上班時偷吃、食用比規定多的餐點、私下免費贈送食物給親朋好友、順手拿取公司的贈品玩具或物品等幾項;雖然有這些情事發生,但就竊盜之員工、其他同事及管理者的角度來看,是不是一個「問題」,則很難用「是」或「不是」來判定。 管理者對於員工偷竊的回應常是採取「非零容忍政策」,並不會過度計較員工一些輕微的偷竊行為,歸納受訪者之意見,可以得到以下推論:1、因員工竊取食物或贈品而造成的損失通常價值不高。2、一部分的食物耗損已經計入成本之內。3、比起現金,食物的損益情況更容易能夠利用作帳的方式掩飾。 最後,本研究根據觀察結果提出以情境犯罪預防策略降低員工偷竊行為之技術,提供給業者當員工偷竊超出可容忍範圍時可以參考使用。


By using interviews and observations, the study attempts to investigate the employee theft in fast-food chain industry. The interviewees include, respectively 2 fast-food chain industry superintendents and 4 employees. 2 restaurants were chosen purposely to observe their situational crime prevention designs. Our findings indicate that employee theft exists in all subjects, misbehaviors including unauthorized consumption of food and drinks, eating more food than company policy allowed, giving unauthorized free food to employee’s relatives and friends, and stealing the complimentary toy or goods. Although has these circumstances to occur, but often the doers, their colleagues and superintendents do not perceive it as a “problem”. Such matters as stealing food and drinks are not condemned by superintendents in the fast-food chain industry can arguably cause by the small value of stolen food/drinks, the transferable cost of stolen goods to customers, and the easy “justified” bookkeeping work. Some situational crime prevention technologies to reduce employee theft are suggested in the last section of the study.


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