  • 學位論文


Overseas Returnees, the State and the High-tech Industrial Cluster Formation in China - A Case Study of the Solar PV Industry in Wuxi Jiangsu

指導教授 : 周志龍


中國的科技產業發展以產業群聚為主要策略,但較少有研究論及海歸技術人員歸國創業與各級政府政策的互動關係,以及兩者如何對建構產業群聚與技術學習、擴散有所影響。故本研究將以江蘇無錫的太陽能光電產業為例,藉以分析海歸技術社群對太陽能光電產業群聚建構有何影響。然而無錫的空間之所以值得研究,在於其並沒有北京與上海等世界城市的龐大吸引力,也缺乏充分的科技產業基礎與人才。因此無錫為何能夠成功吸引海歸技術社群落腳於此,並且成功地晉升為中國光電產業發展的重點城市,進而延伸出「無錫模式」一說,則值得令人探究。 本研究以Extra firm、Intra firm、Inter firm三種層次來論究政府政策、跨境海歸技術人才與地方光電產業發展之互動關係,並以世界光電電池龍頭大廠無錫尚德電力公司為研究案例來加以延伸探討,藉此釐清三項主要研究目的。 1.國家產業發展政策、人才政策與海歸技術社群對於中國光電產業發展的具體影響為何。 2.探究初期地方光電企業發展的政治經濟角力,以釐清無錫的海歸技術社群如何從建立一個企業到構築一個產業的發展過程。 3.解析無錫光電產業的海歸技術社群如何促使廠商從地理空間聚集走向產業群聚發展,並說明群聚產生的效果。


Cluster is the main policy of the high-tech industry in China, but there are few researches on the relationship between returnees and policies, and how do they affect the formation of industrial cluster and technological learning/ diffusion. This article takes the solar PV industry in Wuxi Jiangsu of China as a case to analyze how the returnees affect the emerging industry while Wuxi is not a world city like Beijing or Shanghai and lacks development attractions, enough foundation of high-tech industry and the professional human resources. So the reason why the returnees who are specialized in solar PV industry choose Wuxi to start their enterprise is interesting, and also makes Wuxi become the key city of solar PV industry in China. The development mode of solar PV industry in Wuxi can be taken as a model to understand the relationship between returnees and policies. By means of extra-firm, intra-firm and inter-firm, this research analyzes the relationship between the policies of government, transnational technical manpower and the development of local solar PV industry. With the interviews of Suntech Power Company and field works in Wuxi, we are going to achieve three kinds of purposes which are as follows. 1.To understand how returnees and policies of government affect the development of solar PV industry in China. 2.To realize the process of how the returnees build a solar enterprise at fist and then become a whole solar PV industry in Wuxi by discovering the wrestling between politics and economics at the primary stage of solar PV industry. 3.To find out how the returnees of solar PV industry in Wuxi make local firm gather together to be clusters, and to illustrate the result stemming from industrial clusters.


吳淑貞,(2001),〈產業網絡、群聚現象與企業競爭力關係之研究-以兩岸製鞋業為例〉,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,90 年7 月。


