  • 學位論文


Adjustment to life in the protection ward of a detention center

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


看守所對於身分或案件特殊之被告,如外籍人士、曾任執法人員或政府官員、犯妨害性自主罪、同性戀傾向、精神障礙及其他社會矚目案件等被告,皆設置有保護舍加以管理;其目的是為特殊身分被告在羈押期間的人身安全保障與生活適應之考量。本研究針對臺北看守所8位保護舍被告採取訪談法作為取得資料的方法,以探討保護舍被告生活適應問題。研究發現保護舍被告與一般被告生活適應的差異為:(一)保護舍被告較一般被告身份特殊,所需適應時間長;(二)保護舍被告較一般被告依賴家人關係來調適羈押生活。保護舍被告與一般監獄受刑人生活適應的差異則為:(一)保護舍被告缺乏一般受刑人U型曲線適應階段;(二)家人對保護舍被告與一般受刑人在監適應影響相似。 本研究認為保護舍的存在是功能取向,也是目的取向。保護舍雖然無法使羈押在此之被告受到絕對的保護,但卻能提供相對於一般被告舍房較安全的羈押環境與心理上的安全感。因此,保護舍對於部分羈押被告是具有存在價值的,然而在矯正機關特殊的次文化下,被保護者是否有可能成為保護舍裡的加害者,或保護舍是否會成為保護特權者的天堂,皆需認真加以檢視。 本研究認為目前在保護舍中所收容之對象過於龐雜,不僅容易造成管理上的難度,亦造成管理人員心理壓力,建議可將現有收容對象分流處理。保護舍僅保留司法機關人員、汙點證人、政商名流、外籍人士與少數特殊性向、民事管收者即可;犯妨害性自主罪與社會矚目案件之被告,尤其犯妨害性自主罪者人數頗多,可在一般舍房中劃分專區監禁較適當;智能障礙與精神疾病者宜收容於病舍集中照護為佳;曾對其他收容人有猥褻、性侵害之記錄者建議收容於隔離舍房。如此,將使保護舍收容對象趨於合理。


The protection ward in a detention center usually takes detained defendants with specially vulnerable backgrounds such as ex-law enforcement agents, ex-government officials, foreigners, sex criminals, homosexual criminals, insane criminals and other high profile criminals. The purpose is to provide security and better adjustment for the special detainees. This study observed and interviewed eight detainees in such a ward of a Northern detention center in Taiwan to further understand the adjustment of these detainees and the functions of the ward. The results identified some differences in adjustment between the detainees in a protection ward and in regular ward: (1) the detainees in protection ward found it more difficult to adjust to prison life because of their “special“ background. (2) the detainees in the protection ward adjusted better when they have stronger family support compared to those in regular ward. On the other hand, the adjustment of detainees in the protection ward is different from convicted inmates in the following ways: (1) the former lack the U-shaped curve of adjustment stages, and (2) family supports have slightly more effects on the former than the latter. This study recognized that the existence of the protection ward of a detention center is not just function-oriented but also purpose-oriented. The protection ward indeed provides a relatively safe environment and psychological comfort to the detainees rather than provide absolute security. However, some detainees may turn to perpetrators in the separate environment in addition to the criticism of giving privileges to the upper class criminals. This study concluded that for protected detainees life adjustment is difficult and prison staff appear more stressed. A well-planned classification system for the protection ward is recommended to improve the current situation. Protection ward in a detention center should exclude at least mental illness detainees and refer them to medical facilities. Sex criminals, who make up the majority in such a ward, should be transferred to a separate ward to preserve scarce resources where most needed. Those who have sexually harassed and assaulted other inmates should be kept in an isolated cell. In following these recommendations, the protection ward will work better to fulfill its original purpose.


detention center protection ward custody adjustment


Rasch,W. 1977. Observations on thePhysic PsychologicalChanges in the Persons Sentenced to Life Imprisonment. In Long TermImprisonment : An International Seminar, S.Rizkalla,R. Levy & R.Wauerman. Montreal (Eds), Canada: University of Montreal.
