  • 學位論文


A Research of Operation model of Store location Selection- A Case Study of chain Breakfast Store

指導教授 : 張舜德


隨經濟發展、社會結構轉變,從事餐飲業的業者因外食人口增加,而競爭日趨激烈。其中又以近幾年蓬勃發展的連鎖早餐行業競爭更是激烈,早餐店的商圈範圍小,店址的好壞對於經營成敗具有極大的影響力。故早餐店的店址選擇是商店經營成功必備條件。 而探討店址選擇的理論方法中,像是檢查表法、經驗法則、比例法、迴歸法與店址配置模式等方式,不是過於依賴專家和資料庫的輔助,就是過於簡單無法達到判定店址好壞的目的,且對於商圈範圍小的業種而言,舊有的店址選擇方法亦無法選擇出合適的店址。 故本研究將建立一套早餐店選址作業模型,此模型不同於國內外相關選址理論,將利用商圈內消費者的生活動線的方式來建立店址,因為早餐店的商圈範圍和顧客生活動線息息相關,要決定出店址前必須要透過觀察商圈內消費者的生活動線,才能設置在合適的店址。 本研究除了利用生活動線法來探討選址策略外,另透過個案探討的方式,來分析生活動線法對於選址模式上的適用性,利用在商圈內實際觀察和記錄,驗證生活動線法確實可行。


With the development of economics and the change of social structure, restaurant industry becomes more competitive due to the increase of people eating out. Especially the breakfast stores boom in recent years and the business area is small; therefore, location has a great impact on the performance of management. Thus, the location of the breakfast stores is essential to management success. The theoretical methods of selection of the breakfast stores’ location, such as check list, empirical rule, the ratio method, regression method and the store location model, etc., are too dependent on the help of experts and the database or are too simple to determine the store location. Hence, it’s unable to measure the quality of location. Moreover, if the store is in the small business area, the old method to select location can’t be used to choose the right location. Therefore, this study will establish a breakfast location selection model that is different from the domestic and foreign location theory. This model will use consumers’ active area to choose store location. It’s because that breakfast store’s selling area is closely related to customers’ active area, finding the proper location of the store needs to observe consumers’ active area. This study uses not only consumers’ active area method to implement the strategy of location selection, but also a case study to analyze the applicability of consumers’ active area method. By using the actual observations and the record of business area, consumers’ active area method can be testified if it is feasible.


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