  • 學位論文


Motivations of Online Relationships and Associations with Personality, Loneliness, Social Anxiety and Self-disclosure

指導教授 : 汪志堅


近年來網路成為形成人際關係的一個熱門媒介。透過即時通訊、聊天室、交友網站、線上遊戲和虛擬社群等方式,越來越多人使用網路交友,並發展進一步的人際關係。這篇研究的目的之一,在瞭解網路交友使用者上網交友的動機,透過嚴謹的訪談、收集、與分析資料的過程,歸納與發展出一個適合衡量網路交友動機的量表。另外,過去研究也指出,網路溝通與交友行為和許多負面情緒有關,而人格也是決定一個人行為的重要因素。因此,此研究將人格、孤獨與社交焦慮列為重要分析因素,來描述不同交友動機之群體的特徵,並且討論這些使用者群體,在進行網路交友時自我揭露的程度。本研究採實證研究的方式,進行了六次實證研究,包含一次36位使用者的訪談,一次焦點群體座談,四次問卷調查,有效總受訪者數為1378位受訪者。本研究首先進行量表發展,量表發展針對36位經驗使用者進行訪談後獲得題項,根據597位大學生與碩士生填答之有效問卷,進行題項純化與精簡,完成量表發展之後,以360位學生樣本進行信效度檢驗。最後提出27題三大構面的網路交友動機量表,包含:冒險動機、逃離現實生活和浪漫愛情動機。在交友動機區隔的實證研究階段,除了納入發展之27題網路交友動機量表,並加上五大人格、社交焦慮、孤獨、自我揭露量表以及人口統計變數五部份,針對500位大學生發放問卷,共回收421份有效樣本,以ANOVA方式分析各群體區隔的差異。 研究結果發現:(一)網路交友使用者可區隔為四類:高度交友動機群、尋找愛情動機群、冒險動機群和低度交友動機群。(二)高度交友動機群希望透過網路交友的人際關係體驗樂趣,這群人不輕易放棄自我目標,但在現實生活中的社交場合容易感到恐懼與害羞,因此顯出強烈的孤獨感,網路溝通對這群人而言,較能使他們深入、毫不保留的揭露關於自己的資訊。(三)尋找愛情動機群上網交友的目的是希望能尋找一段浪漫、長久的感情關係,這些人多半內向、沈默寡言,容易緊張、焦慮和情緒化。在現實生活面對面的溝通場合裡,發展人際關係是有困難的,這群人有很高比例是單身的男性,其中網路戀愛的經驗也高於其他群體。而在網路與他人溝通時,他們較容易表達真實的經驗與想法。(四)冒險動機群在現實社交生活中不常感到焦慮或孤獨,他們上網交友是因為喜歡體驗網路交友的環境,能控制所要呈現的自己,並從中找尋同好、尋找支持。(五)低度交友動機群在各項動機普遍程度都很低,在現實生活中沒有強烈的社交阻礙,因此網路人際關係對他們而言不是件重要的事情。


Internet has become a popular medium for users to develop interpersonal relationships in recent years. People communicate online and develop online relationship for different reasons. In addition, previous research had illustrated the relationship with online communication behavior, personality, and negative emotions, like loneliness and social anxiety. Self-disclosure is also an important factor to relationship formation. Therefore, this study discusses how personality, loneliness and social anxiety affect motivation to create online relationships and the level of self-disclosure among users with different online relationship motivations. Internet users were divided using online relationship motivations into four segments in this study: highly motivated, motivated to find love, motivated by adventure, and low motivation. These segments were profiled using differences in personality, loneliness, social anxiety, and self-disclosure. Study findings elucidate the diversity of individuals who choose the Internet to expend their interpersonal relationships. In order to understanding the various motivations of Internet users who had develop relationship online with others, first, the online relationships motives are explored by collecting data from experiential Internet users and experts, after exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the statements of motivations will generated and used in measuring online relationship motives. According to literature review, this present study proposes three online relationship motivations including: adventure, escape to a virtual world, and romance. Second, specifying the Internet users from their online relationships motivation, discriminating them appropriately, concentrating on the different items of demographic profiles and examining the relation with personality, loneliness, social anxiety, and degree of self-disclosure. Finally, this study will summarize the various motivations of online relationships and describes the characteristics and differences of the cluster of Internet users which segment by different motivation. These results will provide a clarify understanding on individuals forming relationships on the Internet. People with different personalities, tendency of loneliness and social anxiety will have different online relationship motivations and self-disclosure. Furthermore, the level of self-disclosure will varied with different online relationship motivations.


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李雅帆(2014)。高中職餐飲技術科實用技能學程學生生活壓力、 社會焦慮與社會適應之研究〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0018-2307201423591200
