  • 學位論文


From the Washington Consensus to the Beijing Consensus ?Perspectives of Hegemonic Stability Theory and Soft Power.

指導教授 : 王信賢
共同指導教授 : 郝培芝(Pei-Chih Hao)


二次戰後,美國成為全球性的超級強權,透過國際貨幣基金、世界銀行等機制建立,完成了以「布列敦森林體系」為核心的世界經濟構架,形成了二次戰後新的國際霸權體系。然而,60年代後,美國的經濟實力開始衰退,布列敦森林體系的瓦解,更使得美國擔任霸權領導的能力不斷下降,為繼續維持其霸權地位,美國藉由90年代拉美國家遭遇嚴重債務危機時,提出「華盛頓共識」,企圖藉以再次鞏固其霸權地位,以及以其為首之國際體系之穩定。而中國自1978年底改革開放以來,經濟迅速成長,軍備以及經濟等權力資源不斷上揚,中國更進一步透過文化的傳播、積極參與國際組織、主導區域組織以及睦鄰外交等政策,發展綜合國力,累積國家軟權力,積極與周邊國家發展友好關係,逐漸將其觸角伸展至國際舞台之上。依據奈伊所提出的軟權力,中國透過參與國際組織建立制度性軟權力,並利用雄厚的經濟實力提供外援與推廣睦鄰外交,積極與他國建立伙伴關係等方式,展現其日以豐厚的軟權力。藉由硬權力以及軟權力的同時積累,中國正逐漸成為一不可忽略的新崛起強權國家,因此國際間開始出現「中國威脅論」與「中國和平崛起」之論點,雷默更進一步於2004年提出「北京共識」,在中國與國際間均引起熱烈的討論。 故本文將藉由釐清華盛頓共識與北京共識之意涵,依據霸權穩定理論與軟權力之觀點,並透過中國在東亞區域整合以及中非合作論壇為例,檢視中國是否正在利用北京共識建構一套新的意識型態,並透過軟權力的積累建立其綜合國力,提供他國不附條件的援助以及維持體系穩定所需之公共財,來提升其國際地位與影響力,展現其擔任霸權的能力與意願。以及更重要的是,現今以美國為首的國際體系是否出現了霸權移轉之現象?中國之崛起是否對美國的霸權地位產生挑戰?以及華盛頓共識是否正在逐漸過渡到北京共識?


After the World War II, the U.S. became a global super power by accomplishing a world economy frame called The Bretton Woods System relying on forming the International Money Foundation and the World Bank, which brought the world a new global hegemony system. However, after the 1960s, the economic strength of the U.S. had been declining. And the disruption of the Bretton Woods System diminished the leading capacity of the hegemony of the U.S.. Due to remaining her hegemonic status, the U.S., which brought up The Washington Consensus when the states of Latin America encountered severe debt crises in 1990s attempted to strengthen her hegemonic status again and stabilize the international system with the U.S. as the leader. Nevertheless, China’s economy has been growing rapidly since the Reform Era after 1978. And the resources of military force and economy have been increasing continually. China goes a step further to develop her comprehensive national power and accumulate the soft power of the state by the policies of promoting China’s culture, attending international organizations positively, leading the area affairs, and establishing friendly diplomatic policies. According to the Soft Power brought up by Joseph S. Nye, China builds the institutional soft power through participating international organizations, uses the strong economic power to provide foreign aid as well as promote good neighbor policy, and forms partnerships with other countries in order to show her munificence soft power. Reinforcing the hard power and the soft power, China has become a new rising great powers which can’t be ignored. Therefore, the arguments of “the theory of China menace” and “Peaceful Rise of Communist China” have been existed. Furthermore, Joshua Cooper Ramo brought up The Beijing Consensus in 2004, which has caused a warm discussion among the academia. This thesis is going to clarify meanings of The Washington Consensus and The theory of China menace in lights of The Theory of Hegemonic Stability and the viewpoint of the soft power. In addition, the regional integration in East Asia as well as Forum on China-Africa Co-operation would be taken as the instances so as to survey whether China is taking advantage of The Beijing Consensus to construct a new series of ideology and elevating her international status by providing other countries unconditional aids and public goods to show her capacity and willing of being the hegemony. The last but not the least, I am also going to discuss whether the international system that takes the U.S. as the leader has been appearing the phenomena of hegemonic transitions, whether the rising of China does challenge the hegemonic status of the U.S., and whether The Washington Consensus is crossing through The Beijing Consensus gradually.


郭武平等著,2006 年,〈中國和平崛起:國際社會之威脅或夥伴?〉,《 歐洲國際評論》,第2期,頁180。
張亞中,2002 年,〈中國的強權之路:地緣政治與全球化的挑戰〉,《遠景季刊》 ,第3 卷第2 期,頁27 、29。
