  • 學位論文

公有地下停車場之環境犯罪預防設計 -以台北市為例 公有地下停車場之環境犯罪預防設計-以台北市為例

Crime Prevention in Public Car Park through Enviornmental Design: Two Cases in Taipei City

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


都市地小人稠,停車成為一個新的問題,各都市為解決停車空間不足問題,遂興起闢建地下停車場的趨勢;不論是公共或是私人建物,台北市停管處所管理的88座停車場就有54座是地下停車場,在2006年度的台北市刑案統計中,交通處所發生犯罪率是各發生犯罪地點的前三名,因此,或可推知道路及停車場等場所均為發生犯罪的高風險場所。本文企圖以環境犯罪預防的觀點來探討台北市公有地下停車場的安全性,因此從刑事警察局的地下停車場犯罪統計資料中,選取一個高犯罪率的公有地下停車場及一個低犯罪率的公有地下停車場,進行8個不同時段之實地觀察,共計16次,比較其預防犯罪之環境設計差異。 本研究發現兩停車場的環境設計上,自然監控及領域感對於地下停車場的安全性有其重要影響性,但Newman的防衛空間中提及的週遭環境及意象對預防犯罪所會產生的影響則有待考驗。本文認為當一個區域中陌生人潮流量增加,的確會增加侵入機會,但還需要加上區域缺乏正式監控或自然監控,才會使得犯罪比較容易發生,因為流動的人口多,卻不是當地人的時候,反而容易產生漠不關心的情形,無法產生監控的情形。 本研究建議若能進行較長期的比較,或是取得公有地上停車場、私人地上或地下停車場等相關空間設計情形,應可以更全面的了解停車場犯罪情況及其情境犯罪預防的相關因素。


Parking problem rises in the growing cities that more and more underground parking lots are built to solve this. Whether public or private buildings, 54 out of 88 parking lots that belong to Parking Mangement and Development Office,Taipei City are undergrounded. In the stats of crime in 2006, Roads and parking space were one of the top three places where crimes took place.. Therefore, we may conclude that the parking lot is one of the high risk zone for crime. In this article, we will discuss the safety of the underground parking lots in Taipei via the view of environmental prevention. Thus, we chose samples from different crime rate lots to compare the relationship between the environmental design and the crime rate. In this study, we discovered that the environmental design played an important role in the natural surveillance and territoriality of the lot. However, in Defensible Spac of Newman, more proves are needed to link prevention of crime and the surrounding together. We believe it is true that the crime rate will increase when more outsiders come in to the area but it also requires lacking of formal Surveillance or natural surveillance to have the significant increase. We suggested that with long term comparison or the design of both public and private parking lots, we would be able to understand more about the relationship between the parking lot crime and environmental prevention.


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