  • 學位論文

自我認同、利他主義對購買意願影響之研究 —以台灣有機棉製品為例

The influence of self-identity and altriusm on consumer likelihood of purchasing organic cotton sportswear

指導教授 : 方文昌


隨著人類對環保的重視,人類對於服飾的要求,由初期的舒適、保暖,進而要求美觀、最後演進為展現個人價值的取向:健康環保訴求、綠色消費的價值表現。本研究首先說明國內外有機棉花市場概況,目前台灣的有機棉製運動服飾市場尚未成熟,屬特殊族群的小眾消費,故本研究以台北市有機商品消費者為分析對象,旨在歸納目前市場現況, 了解有機商品之消費者特性,以進一步擴大有機棉製運動服飾消費市場。本研究的目的是以消費者的觀點,探究消費者購買有機棉製運動服飾產品時是否受到某些強烈個人屬性變項因素的影響,並了解變數的影響程度 ? 並綜合研究結果提出建議,提供推動環保有機棉製運動服飾產品消費和國內外經營有機棉製運動服飾產品之產品市場動向和產品研發具備條件參考。使廠商進一步設計與規劃商品和行銷企劃時,能精緻化並符合消費者的真正需求。 本研究以問卷調查蒐集資料共有效問卷200 份,問卷內容包括消費者 對有機棉花製成商品的認知、購買意願、自我認同、利他主義之特性,最後則為社經資訊。本研究對於購買意願和自我認同、利他主義之研究實證結果顯示:消費者的「自我認同」及「利他主義」會直接影響消費者的「購買意願」,並發現「利他主義」影響的程度大於「自我認同」。




In human beings’ evolves, starting from having the functions of providing comfort and keeping warm in the primary stage, and then it is for looking good and fashion; then, attire becomes the symbol of demonstrating personal taste, fashion and social identity; finally, it evolves into the tendency to demonstrate personal value: the value performance of health tendency, environmental protection appeal, and green consumption. The first description of the organic cotton market situation at home and abroad, Taiwan's organic cotton sportswear market is not mature, is a special group of niche consumer, so the study of organic product consumers in Taipei City is analyzed, designed to summarize the current market The current status of organic cotton products to understand the characteristics of consumers, to further expand the consumer market of organic cotton sportswear The purpose of this study is based on the consumer's point of view, to explore consumers to buy organic cotton sportswear products are subject to some strong personal factors, demographic variables, and understand the impact of variables? and comprehensive study to make recommendations and provide To promote organic cotton sportswear products environmentally friendly consumption and domestic business of organic cotton sportswear products market trends and product development with conditions for reference. Enable manufacturers to further design and planning and marketing planning products, can cause of continuous improvement and meet the real needs of consumers. In this study, survey data collected 200 valid questionnaires, the questionnaire included consumer awareness of organic cotton products, purchase intention, self-identity, altruism, compared with socioeconomic characteristics of the final information. In this study, purchase intention and self-identity, altruism research results show that: consumers, "self identity " and "altruism" will directly impact the consumer "purchase intention", and found the effect of "altruism" is more than the "self-identity. "




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