  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Beneficiary Right and Marital Property

指導教授 : 徐慧怡教授


發源自英美法系的信託制度,於美國法下廣泛的被運用以作為規劃管理財產之手段。我國雖於民國八十五年亦通過信託法,以作為信託之法源。然而,信託制度於一般民間之運用,亦即民事信託,相較於商業信託而言,仍然有相當大的推廣空間。 而於美國法體制下,信託常被運用在個人財產管理。因此,父母親常以其子女為受益人設立信託;配偶之一方亦有可能以其自有財產或婚姻財產,作為信託財產,於婚前或婚姻關係存續中設立信託。於第三人(例如父母)為夫妻之一方,設立信託之情形(亦即他益信託),受益人對於信託財產之本金與收益之受益權,於其婚姻關係解消之時,是否為婚姻財產,而可作為他方配偶得請求分配之標的。或是夫妻之一方以自己為受益人,所設立之信託(亦即自益信託),於婚姻關係解消時,受益人配偶對信託財產之本金與收益之受益權,他方配偶亦同樣有是否得請求分配之爭議。 再者,美國法下之婚姻財產制主要區分為,普通法財產制(Common Law System)與共同財產制(Community Property System)。前述爭議主要發生在共同財產制之下,對於分別財產(Separate property)與共同財產(Community property)之認定。此爭議亦與信託條款中規定:本信託係為可撤銷信託(Revocable Trust)或不可撤銷信託(Irrevocable Trust)、受託人對於信託收益之分配係有自由裁量權(Discretionary Trust)或為強制性(Mandatory Trust)、受益人是否有撤回本金之權利(Right to Withdraw ;Right of Withdrawal)等等…而有所不同,此將影響受益人受益權之性質,並進而影響其是否得被認定為婚姻財產,而可作為婚姻關係解消時得以分配之標的。 於我國法中,雖然目前尚未見有信託與婚姻財產之相關討論,然而於我國信託法通過之後,民事信託之推廣與發展,前述美國法下之爭議,將來亦有可能於我國發生。因此,本論文即先以美國法為借鏡,觀察共同財產制的州法院對本爭議之處理方式。而就我國法制之討論上,基於我國多數夫妻尚未有依民法另以契約約定其夫妻財產制之習慣,而依我國民法第一千零五條之規定,仍以法定財產制為其夫妻財產制,故討論上亦以此為中心論述之。結論上則參酌美國州法院對此議題之處理而審酌判斷於我國之處理方式。


In United States, each spouse will fight to classify the assets as marital or non-marital property at the time of divorce. This classification is important, as the court only has the authority to divide marital property. There are two marital property law systems under American laws which are the common law system and community property system. Common law system divides properties owned by spouses into marital and non-marital property; while community property system characterizes assets as separate property and community property. Only the marital property or community property dose the court has the right to divide at the time of marriage disillusion. With respect to trusts, determining whether the beneficiary's interest in the trust is marital property depends on the terms of the trust, including whether the trustee is required to distribute property to the beneficiary or whether distributions are at the discretion of the trustee. Whether the beneficiary's interest is marital property also depends on whether the trust is a third party trust or a self-settled trust. This has been a complicated area in every state where it has arisen. With the trust law adopted in our country, this dispute will be discussed in a near future. Therefore, by studying how this problem is solved in American law, we can learn from that, and find our own way to concur it when it happens.


陳棋炎,從婚姻及離婚效果看家族法上男女平等,台大法學論叢,第15卷第2期,1986 年6月。
Rocha v. Campos, 574 S.W. 2d.233 (Tex.Civ. App.-Corpus Christi 1978,no writ).
