  • 學位論文


A Study on the Cross-Strait Conflict of Laws on Adoption

指導教授 : 陳榮傳


兩岸間過去因戰亂阻隔,收養事件在法律和事實上均無從發生。近年來,隨著兩岸開放往來,臺灣地區人民收養大陸地區人民之事件,有逐年增多之趨勢。而臺商前往大陸經商、或大陸新娘來臺依親,皆有可能改變目前的身分關係,則兩岸間之收養事件所涉及之法律爭議遂成為不可忽略之課題。兩岸雖同為大陸法制國家,但大陸實施社會主義法制,而臺灣則延續歐洲大陸法系體制,以致兩岸收養法制規定大相逕庭,而此法律衝突所衍伸法律適用上之疑義乃成為兩岸收養法律關係之重要議題。基於前述問題意識,本論文共分為六章,其要旨如下: 第一章為「緒論」。旨在闡明本論文之研究動機、問題意識、研究範圍、方法及本文之架構。 第二章為「兩岸法律衝突之性質」。兩岸間收養究為國際法律衝突,抑或區際法律衝突,藉由國際衝突法與區際衝突法之概念分析、比較,而就兩岸間法律衝突加以定性。 第三章為「大陸收養法制之發展」。兩岸間之收養行為所涉及者不僅僅只是臺灣地區之法律規定,大陸地區之收養法制亦會影響兩岸間收養關係之成立與否。本章先對大陸實行之一胎化政策為論述,以利於了解大陸收養法制立法原則之背景;再就國際收養與大陸收養法制之關聯做一分析,用以對大陸收養法制之發展歷程有一詳盡之瞭解;最後,對現行大陸收養法加以介紹,以此為基礎分析比較兩岸間收養法制之異同。 第四章為「海牙跨國收養公約對大陸地區收養政策之影響」。兩岸間收養之性質不論定性為國際間之收養抑或是區際間之收養,皆不應悖離國際收養法之發展趨勢。因此,本文擬於此章就一九九三年訂定之《海牙跨國收養公約》加以介紹,用以作為兩岸間收養關係發展之準繩,秉持著該公約之精神對於大陸地區與其國際收養未來之發展作一評論。 第五章為「兩岸收養之法律適用」。兩岸收養法制間之差異造成大陸地區以及臺灣地區在面對兩岸之收養案件、適用法律的過程中形成爭議。面對涉臺收養案件之法律紛爭時,首要者係案件準據法之找尋,然而,從法律衝突的角度觀察,大陸地區完全未制定任何法律規範,指示內國法院該如何適用法律。因此,本文先整理國際收養法上準據法確立之立法例,並參考大陸地區解決跨國收養案件時準據法確立之方式,再藉由類推適用之方法以確立涉臺收養案件之準據法。而臺灣地區就兩岸間之法律衝突雖以「兩岸人民關係條例」作為規範基礎。然而,實務上在處理涉陸收養案件時,就涉陸收養法律關係成立方式之準據法、法院對涉陸收養案件認可審查之實質上依據、涉陸涉外收養競合時處理之標準、成年人收養准許與否,以及兩岸條例第六十五條適用上之闕漏仍存有疑義,本文乃欲藉由《海牙跨國收養公約》之精神提出若干建議。希冀藉由實務上判決之呈現,對涉陸收養案件所衍生之各種法律問題所可能存在之闕漏提出並加以檢討之。 第六章為「結論」。本文期望,法律之制定者-立法機關,在制定我國之收養法或是兩岸條例中之收養條文時,應秉持《海牙跨國收養公約》之精神,更重要者,係法律之實踐者-法院,在審查認可兩岸收養之案件時,亦應以《海牙跨國收養公約》之精神作為審查之最高指導原則,以共同追求兩岸人民之最大福祉為努力之目標。


After many years of separation between Taiwan and China, both sides have recently adopted more open policy for social economic exchange. As communication increased across all fields, legal problems regarding marriage, adoption, and inheritance soon have followed which makes solving the legal controversies across the Strait is an urgent issue. Although both sides of the Straight are countries using continental legal system, Mainland China primarily employs a socialist legal system while Taiwan continues to use the European continental law, thus constituting dramatic discrepancies between the two legal systems. This thesis aims to study the cross-strait conflict of adoption laws after the re-opening of social economic exchange. This thesis is divided into six chapters, and its main idea is as follow: Chapter Ⅰ is『Introduction』 which is intended to describe the structure of the motive behind the research, perception of the problem, research range, and method. Chapter Ⅱ is to probe into the cross-strait issues between Taiwan and China and different positions on the conflict of civil laws. Recognizing that the cross-strait issue is the utmost characteristic of the conflict of civil laws between Taiwan and China, the cross-strait conflict of laws should be orientated to quasi-international conflict of laws. Chapter Ⅲ will examine China’s law and policy regarding domestic adoption, focusing on the period between 1988 to the present. First, this chapter centers on the development and the enactment of the One-Child policy in urban and rural China, providing a description of China’s Adoption Law, and an explanation of recent amendments. The second part is the comparative study between the ROC civil code and PRC adoption law. In addition to making comparisons, this study plans to map out the conflict of adoption rules between the two systems in order to come to a solution. Chapter Ⅳ will examine China’s One-Child policy and its laws regarding conflict with the only uniform international adoption law presently in existence. This chapter will provide an overview to the requirements of the Hague Convention, and evaluate China’s Adoption Law in achieving the government’s proposed goals , and whether the Hague Convention’s “best interests of the child” requirement can be met when children are forced out of their country of origin. Finally, it summarizes the need for China to exclude adoption from its one-child policy to promote domestic adoption. Chapter Ⅴ introduces the “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, and depicts the problems which the courts often encounter. This study advocates orientating the issue of conflict of laws between Taiwan and China to quasi-international conflict of laws, and to establish the choice of law rules concerning the adoption between ROC and PRC. Finally, Chapter Ⅵ is conclusion and suggestion. This thesis suggests that China must legalize the inter-regional relationships promptly. In the spirit of peace and mutual trust, adoption across the Strait must be considered under the environment of perpetual peace, and pursue the greatest happiness for the people.


International Adoption




易新福(2014)。我國收養制度之研究 ∼以臺灣地區人民收養大陸地區未成年人為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00317
