  • 學位論文


The Production of Space of Urban Regeneration Policies of Taipei City

指導教授 : 李承嘉


既有都市更新的研究主要聚焦在促進機制及人民財產權保障的程序面向上,僅著重執行「程序」,而不討論都市更新的「原因」,將難以透視都市更新政策的全貌,並且無法掌握都市更新問題的根源。此外,由於過度侷限於程序面,而忽視理論的探究,亦無法解釋都市更新政策與整體都市空間的關係,更難將都市更新納入與都市空間緊密鑲嵌的政治、經濟及社會脈絡中來討論。因此,本研究以都市更新的「原因」為切入點,透過新馬克斯主義取向的空間生產理論及相關文獻彙整和評析,來觀察台灣都市更新政策的演變,並檢視在全球化下,台灣都市更新與空間生產的關係。此外,為進一步瞭解台灣的情形,本研究還透過個案研究將都市更新的「原因」與「結果」共同置於同一理論之下檢視。在此部分本研究援引Henri Lefebvre空間生產論的社會空間及空間三重辯證作為理論框架,再分別搭配同屬空間生產相關理論,David Harvey資本循環及Neil Smith租隙理論作更為具體的分析,並以「華非第凡內」作為個案檢視對象。 藉由本研究可以透視:一、台灣在面臨全球產業變遷及區域內激烈的都市競爭下,形成資本剩餘及勞動力再生產的危機,因而將都市更新由過去的次要議題,變成國家重點建設的原因;二、如何憑藉著多重面向的空間辯證的應用,而拓展都市更新個案的空間詮釋方法。這些將有益於從不同面向來思考都市更新的問題,並可做為都市更新與空間生產研究的基礎。


The established urban regeneration investigations main focus on process aspects like facilitating mechanism and the preservation of people’s property right, it too simply emphasize the “executive process” to cause the neglectfulness to the “reason” of urban regeneration. That result in hard to achieve the perspective on whole system of urban regeneration policy, and can’t grasp the genesis of urban regeneration problems. Furthermore, the over stress on the aspects of process also result in neglectful of theoretical research, and cause the difficulty in interpret the relations between urban regeneration policy and the whole urban space, want to put the urban regeneration issues into the political, economic and social contexts that interrelate to the urban space is further difficult. Thereby, this thesis focus on the genesis of urban regeneration, by the arrangement and analysis of the references of the production of space of neo-Marxism approach, to observe the transformation of Taiwan’s urban regeneration policy and the relations between Taiwan’s urban regeneration and the production of space under globalization. Furthermore, in order to understand the condition of Taiwan, this thesis put the “causes” and “results” together, and investigate by same theories, such as Social Space and Trialectics of Space of Henri Lefebvre. For more concrete analysis, also conbine with Capital Circulation of David Harvey and Rent Gap theory of Neil Smith, to view a case study of “MRT of Diamond”. Depend upon the research results that could explore: 1.Taiwan in the condition of confront the global industrial transformations and heavy competition between global cities of, becoming the crises of capital surplus and reproduction of labour power. Therefore, the government promote the policy of urban regeneration from minor issue to important issue; 2. how it can find the case of urban regeneration by multi-dialectic of space, that will have the benefit to think the urban regeneration issue from multivariant, and can do as the base for investigation of urban regeneration and production of space.


