  • 學位論文


The Suspect's right to counsel's assistance during criminal investigation - Focusing on the counsel's right of presence upon the search and inspection of evidence.

指導教授 : 甘添貴


在研究方法上,本文主要採用分析歸納法及比較研究法。 本文第一章為緒論,主要說明研究動機、目的、方法、範圍、架構及概念、用語說明。 至於本文第二章,因我國於西元1982年8月4日修正刑事訴訟法第27條,明定我國犯罪嫌疑人在偵查中選任辯護人之權利,然偵查中辯護人能提供如何之協助,需視偵查中辯護人具備那些權利而斷。至於能使偵查中辯護人享有那些權利,又與辯護人之地位與功能攸關,此當為處理偵查中辯護人權利前,應先釐清之先位課題,本文即於第二章探討辯護人之地位及偵查中辯護人之功能。 犯罪嫌疑人受辯護人協助之權利,自應使犯罪嫌疑人獲得如我國最高法院判決中宣示之「實質辯護」。欲實現偵查中實質辯護需考量之課題不少,本文從中選擇二個重要課題,即「辯護權之告知」及「偵查中指定辯護」在第三章加以探討。 在「辯護權告知」之研究結論上,本文認為以主客觀混合理論作為認定犯罪嫌疑人地位之形成時點之判斷基準,較為允當。另外,「訊問」之概念,若採行功能訊問,無疑地對犯罪嫌疑人辯護權之保障最為周全,對於偵查中實質辯護之實現亦有幫助;但採用秘密偵查方法時,則需採行形式意義或實質意義的訊問。 在偵查中指定辯護之議題上,參考比較法上,日本法之制度或美國法之發展,本文認為應強化偵查中之對於弱勢者(即無資力者、智能障礙者及精神障礙者)指定辯護。 至於本文主軸-搜索及勘驗時辯護人之在場權之研究上,於本文第四章探討之。結論上,本文認為應建立偵查中搜索時辯護人之在場權及重構偵查中勘驗時辯護人之在場權,均採「原則允許、例外禁止」之立法模式。 本文第五章則總結前述章節之討論,歸納結論並提出建議。


Both analytic induction approach and comparative study are used as research methods. The thesis begins with introductions to the motive, objective, methods, scope, structure, concept, and the usage of terms in chapter 1. Although the suspect may at any time retain counsels since article 27 of the criminal procedure code was modified in 1984, how he/she can actually be assisted by counsels has not made clear. The thesis thus analyzes the counsel’s status and functions during investigation in chapter 2, for those determine the rights which the counsel ought to have to assist the suspect. If the counsel fully performs his/her functions as elaborated in chapter 2, the goal of effective defense declared by the Supreme Court is achieved. In chapter 3, two related issues are further discussed. One is the suspect’s right to be informed of he/she may attain counsels. The thesis finds it just to adopt the subjective and objective integrated theory when determining whether a witness has turned into a suspect. Besides, there should be different standards for determining interrogation. The functional standard generally ensures soundest protection for the suspect. However, in cases where investigation must be conducted secretly, nominal or substantial standards should be adopted exceptionally. The other is the suspect’s right to appointed counsel. Through comparative study of regulations in Japan and the U.S., the thesis finds that for the disadvantaged suspects, including the poor, the retarded, and those suffer from psychological illnesses, the right to appointed counsel during criminal investigation is insufficient in Taiwan and should be established or strengthened. In chapter 4, the counsel’s right of presence upon searching and inspecting evidence is thoroughly studied. It suggests that the counsel’s right of presence upon searching evidence should be built, and the counsel’s right of presence upon inspecting evidence should be reconstructed. Finally, the thesis makes conclusions and offers suggestions in chapter 5.


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吳俊毅譯,Beulke, Werner著,德國刑事訴訟程序辯護人的功能及地位--至今仍具話題性的一個爭論,高大法學論叢,第6卷第1期,2010年9月。
