  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Insider Trading Regulation--From the Perspective of Mergers and Acquisitions

指導教授 : 賴英照


我國證券交易法雖然在1988年修正時增訂第157條之1,禁止具特定身分的內部人於獲悉公開發行股票公司有重大影響其股票價格消息後,在該消息公開前或公開後一定期間內買賣該公司有價證券,此即我國內線交易行為的禁止規定。之後本條文雖歷經多次修正,然而關於我國內線交易規範目的及基礎理論究竟為何,不論實務或學說均未能夠有所共識,也因而使內線交易各構成要件在解釋適用上出現分歧。此外,針對何種消息符合同條第四項所謂「對公司股票價格有重大影響,或對正當投資人的投資決定有重要影響」而構成重大消息?此等重大消息有無成立時點?以及成立時點應如何判斷?這些問題均存在相當程度的爭議,而有予以釐清的必要。最後,公司從事企業併購時,由於併購行為性質上牽涉眾多內外部專業人士的參與,且併購消息於公開後往往會使公司股價產生劇烈變動,再加上併購過程通常必須經過一連串漫長的商業及法律流程後,併購消息才會確定並且公開。凡此特徵均使內部人有利用併購消息從事內線交易的誘因,進而導致併購活動的進行時常伴隨著內線交易的發生,從而有特別加以探究之必要。 本論文首先從法律經濟分析的角度,探討內線交易在證券市場管制政策上是否有予以禁止的必要性,並介紹我國內線交易規範的法規沿革、歷次修正要旨及修法理由。其次則是從比較法的觀點出發,透過觀察美國法與歐盟指令對於內線交易的規範方式,並且分析其制度背後所蘊含的基本理論後,再就我國內線交易禁止規定的規範基礎加以探究,輔以我國學說及實務見解,進一步詳細檢驗現行規範下對於內部人主體、重大消息、主觀心態以及消息公開等構成要件應如何解釋適用,甚至針對若干規範不足或不妥之處提出日後立法論上的建議。最後針對企業併購中與內線交易有關聯的部份,尤其是關於「併購過程中內部人範圍的劃定」,以及「併購重大消息何時具備足夠發生可能性而告具體明確的判斷」進行學理上的分析,並詳細介紹近期我國實務上若干併購協商時發生內線交易的案件,以及法院於個案中所表示的見解,再就其見解的妥適性做出評析。 在結論上,本文認為我國內線交易禁止規定在規範基礎及相關要件的解釋上應以市場論作為依歸,亦即應著眼於內線交易行為對於整體證券市場健全性的侵害。再者有關消息是否重大,以及消息何時成立或具有足夠發生可能性,判斷核心在於內部人買賣股票當下所知悉的消息是否足以影響一般理性投資人的投資決定。最後針對併購協商過程中應如何認定重大消息,考量併購協商在個案中存在高度差異,且為杜絕內部人的刻意操作空間以貫徹內線交易禁止規定的立法意旨,本文認為不應拘泥於特定形式時點,而應依照個案實際發展情形,具體斟酌該併購對公司的影響及發生可能後,始可加以認定。


Section 157-1 of Taiwan's Securities Exchange Law has been in effect since 1988, prohibiting corporate insiders from trading securities while in possession of nonpublic material information. However, the theoretical basis of insider trading is still controversial. Questions such as “what kind of information would influence the price of securities of issuers, or make an impact on decision-making among reasonable investors? ”, and “when does uncertain information become material? ” are also unsolved. Moreover, while issuers are carrying out mergers or acquisitions (hereinafter "M&A") with other corporations, the likelihood of insider trading increases because the price of securities often fluctuate dramatically after the announcement of the M&A, and the process before the information of M&A officially made public is often lengthy and secretive. These characteristics offer insiders the incentive to profit from dealing after being informed of the undertaking M&A, thus require further analysis. This thesis firstly introduces the debate on whether it is necessary to ban insider trading with mandatory provision from the perspective of economic analysis of law, and then illustrates the legal development of insider trading regulation in Taiwan. Secondly, this thesis tries to explore the regulative foundation of prohibiting insider trading in Taiwan, while observing the validity of legal elements such as “the scope of insider”, “the nonpublic information”, “the judgment of materiality”, and “the scienter of insider” by comparing Taiwan's standing provisions with the development of insider trading regulation under section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 in the United State and the relevant content of Market Abuse Directive in EU. Lastly, while focusing on the conjunction between insider trading and M&A, this thesis discusses relevant parts of insider trading under M&A through both theoretical and practical studies, especially concerning the aspect of “how to delimit the range of insider under M&A” and “how to conclude the specific time or stage at which the information related to potential M&A is provided with sufficient possibility of coming into existence and become definite and precise ”. In conclusion, this thesis holds that the foundation of section 157-1 should be based on “market integrity theory”, that is, to prevent the integrity of financial market from being harmed by insider trading conducts. In addition, the materiality of inside information should be judged by the rule that “At the time when insider is trading securities, the information possessed by insider would likely to have significant effect on reasonable investors”. Given the uniqueness of every M&A preliminary discussion, instead of being confined to formalities, the materiality in each deal should be determined depending on the probability of occurrence in the future, and the anticipated magnitude to the issuer in actual progress of every merger or acquisition.




