  • 學位論文


The Body Images and Appearance Repair Experiences of the People with Cleft Lip and Palate

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


本研究旨在瞭解唇顎裂者的身體意象與容貌修復經驗,特別探討唇顎裂對於性別的影響與 差異。本研究採取半結構的深度訪談法,以滾雪球方式進行,以台北市及新北市地區共計15位 唇顎裂者進行訪談,包括10位女性唇顎裂者及5位男性唇顎裂者。本研究以女性主義身心障礙 研究及鏡中自我理論的觀點,分析唇顎裂者對於疾病所帶來容貌缺陷的身體意象,唇顎裂對於性 別的影響與差異,討論容貌修復醫療的介入對於唇顎裂者的影響。 研究結果如下: 1.唇顎裂者的身體意象:唇顎裂者藉由社會環境與重要他人的回應,不斷地重新詮釋自我的身體意象,唇顎裂者嚮往著美麗完整的外在形象,透過化妝或容貌修整遮掩唇顎裂,更重要的是能跳脫「身心障礙者」、「醜陋」、「異常」的社會身份類別。 2.性別角色期待所造成不同的社會壓力:女性唇顎裂者更是明顯感受到唇顎裂所帶來的弱勢地位,就就業市場的競爭與容貌條件的壓力,兩性關係上的卑微退讓,婚姻市場的不具優勢,生育遺傳的擔憂質疑,女性唇顎裂者面臨唇顎裂所帶來的弱勢處境相較於男性是更為強烈且衝擊的。 3.唇顎裂者的性別差異面對唇顎裂也展現出不同的回應方式,男性唇顎裂者多嘗試藉由工作表現和成就地位來滿足男性角色與形象,積極地展現力氣、承擔家庭與社會責任的氣概;女性唇顎裂者,多採取與醫療團隊溝通,尋求醫療技術改善身體容貌缺陷,藉由修復技術及相關矯正治療課程來降低生理限制。 4.性別差異影響唇顎裂者容貌修復的動機與行動。男性唇顎裂者接受容貌修復手術多是受他人影響較多,如:醫師建議、父母期待。女性唇顎裂者接受容貌修復多是主動且期待,女性唇顎裂者在術後的自我傷口照顧及醫囑配合普遍是高於男性唇顎裂者。 5.個人先天特質與社會環境對於個人決定容貌修復佔有很大的影響。唇顎裂者對於身體意象的不滿意,是與外在環境互動的結果,社會文化對於美好端正容貌的標準,將轉化成唇顎裂者對自我容貌的期待,以及對於醫療修復手術的嚮往。


容貌修復 身體意象 唇顎裂


The study aims to understand the body images and appearance repair experiences of the people with cleft lip and palate, especially to discuss the influence and difference in gender on cleft lip and palate. This study applied semi-structured interviews with snowball sampling to interview 15 cleft lip and palates in Taipei City and New Taipei City, including 10 females and 5 males. This study takes the view of feminist disability theory and the theory of looking-glass self to analyze the body images of the cleft lip and palate people, and the influence and difference in gender on the cleft lip and palate people, and to discuss the influence of medical appearance repair to cleft lip and palate. The research results are as follows: 1.The body image of the cleft lip and palate people: People born with cleft lips and palates constantly reinterpret the body images of themselves by interpreting social conditions and response of significant others. Cleft lip and palates look forward to a beautiful full external image, and cover appearance by make-up or trim. Most importantly is to get rid of the social identity categories of“disable”, “ugly”, “abnormal.” 2.The social pressure caused by the expectation of sexual roles:The females with cleft lip and palate are obviously affected by the disadvantaged social position, the pressure from the competition of employment market and appearances conditions, humble concessions on gender relations, disadvantage in marriage market, worries about the genetic birth of their next generation. The disadvantaged position might be shown is stronger on the female cleft lips and palates people than the male ones. 3.The sexual differences of cleft lips and palates show the different ways of response from others. Male cleft lip and palate usually fits in with male role and image by working performance and achievement status, actively showing strength, bearing the spirit of family and social responsibility. Female cleft lip and palate usually takes more communication with the medical team, and seeks medical technology to improve the physical appearance of defects by repair technology and related corrective treatment programs to reduce the physiological limitations. 4.Sexual differences affect the motives and actions of appearance repair of cleft lip and palate. Male cleft lip and palate who accepts appearance repair surgery are mostly influenced by others, such as: doctor, parents. Female cleft lip and palate is usually active to appearance repair with expectation. Female cleft lip and palate is better than male in the degree of care of wound and cooperating with doctor. 5.Innate characters and social conditions have a large impact on individual decision in appearance repair. The dissatisfaction on body image of cleft lips and palates patients is the result of interaction with the external environment. The social standards of beauty and proper appearance will be converted into the self-expectations on appearance of cleft lips and palates, and expectation to have appearances repair surgeries.


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