  • 學位論文


Integrated Software and Platform Deployment on Cloud Environment

指導教授 : 張玉山


雲端科技現今發展快速,並隨著虛擬技術的發達,多個虛擬機部屬在同一主機上可以解決以往單一主機只能運行一個作業系統造成硬體資源的浪費,並經由排程將網路、儲存裝置和計算資源有效率的分配給其他虛擬機使用,達到資源利用的最大效益,更能透過虛擬化平台使管使用者方便集中管理。而以往若是要部署一台已安裝好軟體的虛擬機,需要先建立好安裝不同軟體的虛擬機暫存檔,但如果不同使用者欲使用不同軟體時,虛擬機暫存檔便要準備非常多份,極為浪費資源。 對此,我們提出了一個系統架構解決方法,透過自動化軟體的部署,我們不需要建立多種安裝好不同軟體的虛擬機暫存檔,直接開啟使用者指定規格的虛擬機,便會自動依照使用者的需求部署軟體,不僅對於使用者甚至系統管理者皆更便利,未來亦有非常大的發展空間。




With the development of cloud computing, it can provide many services through network. Also with the development of virtual technology, we can use virtual machines instead of physical machines to do some research or other usages. In tradition, if we want to create a virtual machine with software, we have to make many virtual machine templates with different software on them. It may waste storage. Therefore, we have proposed system architecture to solve this problem. It can let user easy to create instance and with the automatically installing software, we don’t need to create many virtual machine templates. We believe that this system will save more time and physical resources.


OpenStack Cloud computing Puppet


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