  • 學位論文


A study of Repair Service Satisfaction on Mobile Device

指導教授 : 呂姿瑩


神腦國際為台灣最大之行動手持裝置通路服務商,近年來更是積極地增加其他各式各樣的銷售服務,讓整體服務更加全面;讓消費者不僅在神腦國際可以取得手機等手持裝置的商品需求滿足外,也能夠進一步購買其他3C數位商品,藉此符合企業提供消費者「單點購足」的服務理念與精神。 除了商品的販售外,神腦國際針對所販售的商品也進一步提供維修與諮詢的服務,藉由全方位的服務讓消費者不至於因為商品使用與維修感到困擾。為了隨時掌握客戶對於所提供服務的滿意度,神腦國際也固定地進行客戶滿意度調查,確保目前所提供之服務的品質。 為了更加全面了解客戶滿意度以及未滿足之服務需求,神腦國際擬進行此次市場研究調查,藉此將客戶滿意度進行仔細的剖析與了解;此外,也針對未滿足的服務進行探詢,所得結果將作為神腦國際後續服務改善以及新服務設計與規劃上的行銷策略參考依據。 本研究的目的除了解神腦國際客戶服務的滿意情形,有別於目前神腦國際固定進行之客戶滿意度調查,此次調查不僅針對目前神腦國際客服中心及特約服務中心的服務進行更多客戶細項滿意度的了解,也進一步測試部分新興服務概念的接受度以及客戶未滿足之服務需求。整體研究範疇與目的如下: (1) 門市服務滿意度 (2) 維修服務滿意度 (3) 新興服務概念測試 (4) 消費者未滿足之需求探詢與了解


Senao International is Taiwan’s biggest mobile device distributor. In recent years, the company has also actively increased other kinds of services to not only provide more general services to the customers, but also suffice their every demand on both mobile devices and other 3C products. With this act, the company can thus conform to the ideal of One-Stop Shopping. Apart from product selling, Senao International also provides further services on both maintenance and counseling to the merchandize it sells. To monitor the provided services to its customers immediately, Senao International also does a regular research on customer satisfaction to ensure the quality of its current provided services. To provide a more general understanding on customer satisfaction and other unsatisfied demand, Senao International preceeds the marketing research to have a detailed analysis on customer satisfaction. Also, as to the unsatisfied demand, Senao International is going to conduct a further research. The result from the further research will become the basis of Senao International’s following improvement and marketing strategy. The purpose of the research encompasses the insight on the Senao International current provided services, testing on the customers’ acceptance to the new service conception, and the unfulfilled service need. The outline of the research is as follows, (1) Customer’s satisfaction on both the staff and environment (2) Customer’s satisfaction on the staff’s job proficiency (3) Customer’s satisfaction on maintenance services (4) Testing on new service concept (5) Further researches and understandings on customers’ unfulfilled demand


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