  • 學位論文


The Study of the Boundary Spanner Whose Role and Management Effectiveness Result From Network Management: The Case of Gaomei Wetlands

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


國際上,已經越來越重視濕地保育的議題。我國在2013年7月3日通過了《濕地保育法》,條文中明定濕地保育與利用的原則,此法已是未來我國從事濕地管理的重要法源依據。本研究以台中市清水區的高美濕地為個案,探討跨界者在網絡管理扮演的角色與管理成效。本研究問題有二,第一、高美濕地的網絡運作情況是否有助於高美濕地的管理?高美濕地網絡管理的要件,例如:管理、參與、制度安排,以及外部環境系絡等條件,如何影響高美濕地管理上的成效?第二、高美觀光文化促進會是否有效發揮整合平台的機制?進行良善的凝聚共識、促進合作、溝通協調、相互幫忙、建立信任?是否有真正落實高美濕地的生態保育與觀光旅遊的工作? 本研究試圖藉由網絡管理的觀點,分析相關行動者參與高美濕地之管理情況,也進一步透過跨界者的論點,嘗試找出高美濕地網絡運作中真正的跨界者,改善高美濕地管理運作上的缺失。在研究設計上,本研究採行先量化後質化的方式,將理論探討、個案分析所得出的四個管理條件(十個影響變數),透過問卷調查法,探討其如何影響高美濕地的管理成效。接著,透過社會網絡問卷的設計,找出真正的跨界者。最後,依據量化分析結果設計訪談提綱,藉由訪談補充問卷調查結果的不足。 整體而言,本研究發現高美濕地網絡管理要件,例如管理(合作)、制度安排(法規、跨界者)、外部環境系絡(政治環境、社會環境)等,對高美濕地經營管理的成效,包括生態保育、觀光旅遊的面向有顯著相關。此外,本研究在高美濕地網絡管理行動者的社會網絡之重要發現為,高美觀光文化促進會沒有適當扮演跨界者的角色,目前發揮整合的機制較不足。反之,台中市政府農業局較適合扮演跨界者。


Internationally, emphasis has been focused upon the importance of conserving wetlands. In July 3, 2013 Taiwan has adopted the "Wetland Conservation Act" provisions stipulating the principles of wetland conservation, and the utilization of this method is believed to be the future of our country’s solution when engaged with the management of the wetland’s legal doctrine. In a study where Gaomei Wetland Taichung City Qingshui district was used as a case to explore whether the role of a boundary spanner as network managers, will be able to manage wetlands abroad via network is an effective way to manage wetlands. There are two main issues in this study. Firstly, it needs to be determined whether an effective Gaomei wetland’s network operations will aid Gaomei wetland management. An effective Gaomei wetland network management will require the following: management, participation, institutional arrangements, as well as the external environment-based networks and other conditions; questions such as ‘how the environment will affects the effectiveness of wetland management on the Gaomei wetlands?’ will also needs to be answered. Secondly, is the Gaomei Tour & Culture Association play mechanism is effective integration platform, also, will they be able to coordinate and consolidate consensus opinions, and promote cooperation, communication, and mutual help to build trust? Has the Gaomei Tourist & Cultural Association been properly conserving Gaomei wetland, and its tourism jobs? This study attempts to leverage network management to analyze the relevance of the actors involved in the management of Gaomei wetland, but also place an argument through boundary spanners, and try to find whether Gaomei wetland network operation will be the real boundary spanner to improve the lack of Gaomei wetland management operations. In the study design, both quantitative and qualitative analysis has been adopted. I will explore the theory, and analyze the results of four cases and their management criteria (ten affected variables), and through the use of questionnaire to seek public opinions, I will propose how it’ll impact Gaomei wetland’s management results. Then, through a second questionnaire, design through social networks to find out who is the true boundary spanner. Finally, with the results from the quantitative analysis, I’ll design a set of questionnaire and conduct interview to supplement the survey results where it was not applicable. Overall, this study found that Gaomei wetland network management elements, such as management (cooperation), institutional arrangements (regulations, boundary spanners), with the external environment context (political environment, social environment), will affect the effectiveness of Gaomei wetland’s management, as well as the conservation of the environment, and tourism. In addition, this study is important to Gaomei wetland’s network management in social networks. Gaomei Tour & Culture Association has not been playing their role properly as a boundary spanner, and has not been able to consolidate their operations.On the contrary, Agriculture Bureau of Taichung City Government is more suitable to play the boundary spanner.




