  • 學位論文


The Best Partners of Coalition Government in Japan:The Cooperative Relationship between the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party

指導教授 : 郝培芝


本文主要從觀察日本政治中聯合政府產生與發展為出發點,日本自1955年自民黨成立並與社會黨形成「五五體制」之後,長達38年一直是由自民黨單獨執政。1993年自民黨失去國會最大黨的執政優勢之後,開啟了一段日本政治的混亂時期,一直到1996年自民黨奪回執政的主導權後,便積極找尋聯合政權的合作夥伴。自民黨與公明黨自1999年共組聯合政權之後持續長達十年的聯合政權合作關係。   本論文先就「聯合內閣理論」和「路徑-依賴理論」做介紹,再從「聯合內閣理論」中找出最適合自民黨與公明黨合作的組合模式做解釋。聯合政權有四個面向的合作關係:(一)選舉合作;(二)國會席次合作;(三)行政職位的合作;(四)立法合作;本文主要集中於選舉合作部分。再以「路徑-依賴理論」分析兩黨長達十年的合作關係,並以「路徑-依賴理論」來分析並說明自公兩黨在此十年間歷經四次眾議院選舉的選前選舉協力奏效與否和兩黨於選前所設定的各自或共同目標達成與否是否影響兩黨合作關係的持續,以及於下次眾議院選舉是否再次進行選前的選舉協力。   研究結果發現自公兩黨之間的選舉關係為一種「路經依賴理論」的進程。兩黨於選舉協力的過程中產生了互利共生的共識,並共享選舉協力的成果。以選舉結果來說,符合兩黨對選舉協力的期望,自民黨於2000年、2003年和2005年選舉中仍為國會第一大黨,而公明黨也可以保有其身為聯合政權執政聯盟一員的身分,以小黨之姿在國會有較大的聲勢,避免小黨在新制眾議院選舉中泡沫化的命運。


In this article, it takes the observation of creation and development of the coalition government on politics in Japan as a point of departure. Since 1955, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Socialist Party made the “five-five system”formed, the Liberal Democratic Party had taken the leading power of politics in Japan, up to 38 years. In 1993, the Liberal Democratic Party failed to obtain over half of the seats in the House of Representatives in the election and lost the ruling power temporarily. The politics was instable in Japan during this period of time. In 1996, the Liberal Democratic Party obtained the majority seats of the House of Representatives in the election and took the ruling power back, but still less than half of the seats, it should look for partner(s) to organize the coalition. In 1999, the New Komeito Party cooperated with the Liberal Democratic Party. No matter there was a third party in the Cabinet or not, the two parties had maintained the stable cooperation of coalition for 10 years since then.   In this paper, it will first make an introduction to “the theory of coalition” and “the theory of path-dependent ”, and then take the most suitable model from “the theory of coalition” to explain the cooperation of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party. There are four dimensions of cooperation in the theory of coalition: (1) the cooperation of the elections; (2) the cooperation of the Congressional seats; (3) the cooperation of executive positions; (4) the cooperation of legislation; it focus on the cooperation of the elections in this paper. After all, it will take “the theory of path-dependent” as basic to analyze a decade-long partnership between the two parties, including that it worked or not of cooperation in election and whether the two parties reached their separate goal and common goal set before election or not, which effected the continuance of the cooperation between the two parties or not and whether the two parties would cooperate before the election again at next time or not.   In the result of this paper, we can find that the cooperation of the elections between the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party was a process of “path-dependent” . The consensus of symbiosis came into existence between the two parties from the process of the cooperation of the elections and the two parties shared the achievements of the elections. The results of the elections fitted in with the expectations of the two parties. The Liberal Democratic Party was still the largest party in parliament after the elections in 2000, 2003 and 2005. Although the New Komeito Party was a small party, it could be a member of the coalition and thus retained that kind of power as the ruling party. It could also avoid the fate of most of small parties that disappeared like bubbles.


Coalition, Path-dependent


