  • 學位論文


Ecosystem Services of Agricultural Land in Urban Area – The Case of Taipei Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 黃書禮


近年隨著大環境之改變,且受到都市、產業等發展對於土地需求之迫切,造成台灣農地開始逐漸釋出,使其具有的各種生態系統服務功能逐漸殆盡。一般都市地區農地被視為都市發展的儲備用地,然而以生態系統服務的角度來看,農地不僅具有糧食生產功能,亦包含氣候系統調節、水資源調節、美學與文化服務,及強化支持都市系統等各種生態系統服務功能,因此當都市農地釋出或轉用時,將影響生態系統服務功能,並影響都市整體的維生系統。有鑑於都市農地資源具有其特殊性,故本研究目的為探討影響都市農地變遷之外部作用力,並以「台北都會區」都市農地作為研究對象。本研究以感受性系統模型為研究工具,藉以模擬都市農地變遷與生態系統服務之相互影響關係,以及都市農地變遷對生態系統服務之影響詮釋;並透過不同政策調控來觀察其對都市農地系統之影響,以探討政策調控介入是否可降低都市農地釋出情形,做為日後相關管制參考。 系統模型建構過程中共進行三次團體討論,以階段性討論方式建構系統變數、衝擊矩陣與變數間影響關係,並針對後續探討之課題系統進行模擬。由系統辨識過程中得知都市社經發展類別之變數具有主動性特質,而生態系統服務類別之變數則屬於被動性特質,表示當都市社經發展有所變動時易主動影響都市農地系統與其生態系統服務。另外由模擬結果得知都市社經發展變動量提高時將影響都市農地資源與生態系統功能遞減,且當政府與民眾農地復育意識程度低時都市農地資源則逐漸消逝殆盡。基於此,本研究於政策調控模擬部分提高政府維護農地資源程度與民眾參與農地保育程度容量,以調適都市農地釋出情形呈穩定發展。綜觀而言,未來調控都市社經發展與農地保育兩者之間之關係略顯格外重要,建議應整合農地資源與提供經濟誘因,方能兼顧農地保育與經濟建設平衡之發展,以穩定都市生態平衡。


In recent years, with the changing environment and increasing demand for land by the development of urban and industry, Taiwan’s agricultural land has been released increasingly and thus the function of various ecosystem services has been broken gradually. As we know that agricultural land in urban area is regarded as reservation for urban development. However, from the point of view of ecosystem services, the function of agricultural land not only product food but also regulates the climate, water, beautifies the urban environment, and protect the local cultural. Moreover, it could even support the urban ecosystem services. Therefore, if urban agricultural land has been released or transferred to other usage, it would adversely affect ecosystem services and urban life-support system. In regards to the unique character of urban agricultural land, the purpose of this research is to explore the outside factors that change urban agricultural land, and I use urban agricultural land in "Taipei Metropolitan area" as my subjects. Meanwhile, I use “Sensitivity Model” to simulate the interaction between the change of urban agricultural land and which of ecosystem services. On the other hand, through various policy setting, I observe the effect on urban agricultural land system, and thus to explore whether policy intervention could reduce the release of urban agricultural land for future policy making reference. We hold group discussions about the System modeling for three times, and include some topics into discussion such as construction of system variables, impact matrix and the interaction among variables. Through the system identification process, we could know the variable of urban socio-economic development category is active, and the variable of ecosystem services category is passive. It represents that when urban socio-economic development changes, urban agricultural land and ecosystem services would be affected as well. In addition, by the simulation results, we know that when improving urban socio-economic development, the function of urban agricultural land resources and ecosystem will be decreasing. Also, when the government and the public has low awareness of restoration of agricultural land, urban agricultural land resources would be fade away in the long run. Based on that result, this research raise the degree of government protection toward agricultural land resources and of public participation for conserving agricultural land to regulates and stable urban agricultural land releasing condition. To sum up, regulating urban socio-economic development and agricultural land conservation is especially important in the future, this research suggests we should integrate agricultural land resources and provide economic incentives to not only protect agricultural land but also balance economic infrastructure construction and make urban ecological system stable.




