  • 學位論文


Analyzing The Antecedents And Consequences Of Mobile Social Network Service Quality

指導教授 : 江義平 蔡坤宏


隨著智慧型手機、平板電腦等行動裝置的熱賣,帶動了行動上網的熱潮,而行動應用程式能提供的服務功能也越來越多,「行動」與「社群」的結合,使得人們彼此的溝通更為方便,隨時隨地都能在社群上觀看及分享資訊,因此消費者對於行動社群服務的需求也越來越大。然而,如何衡量使用者對於行動社群服務的滿意度以及所其影響行為效果卻還未被探討,因此本研究從過去文獻中歸納出專屬於衡量行動社群服務品質的模式,包括行動系統品質、行動資訊品質及行動社交品質,並探討行動社群服務品質對於使用者行為上的影響效果,行為包括社群活動、使用者參與以及轉換。 本研究依據臺灣行動上網人口結構,共蒐集了1,665份有效樣本。並運用因素分析、信效度分析、二階驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式分析等方法,確立了衡量服務品質的模式以及其影響行為之效果。經由結構方程模式分析,本研究發現:(1)行動系統品質與行動資訊品質會直接影響行動社交品質;(2) 行動社交品質會直接影響社群活動以及使用者參與行為; (3) 行動系統品質與行動資訊品質必須夠過行動社交品質才會間接影響社群活動以及使用者參與行為;(4)社群活動程度越高會提升使用者參與程度;(5)社群活動程度與使用者參與程度越高會提升轉換行為。最後本研究也進一步對有關行動社群服務研究提供了結論和建議,而研究之實證結果可當作未來理論研究發展的基礎文獻,更可輔助企業在進行制定行銷策略之實務參考。


In recent years, consumers have been able to access the mobile internet whenever they want, and this feature has consequently become a necessary one for most of them. In addition, mobile applications are providing consumers with more and more varieties of mobile services. The combination of mobile internet access and social networks provides consumers with the ability to communicate with one another at almost any time and in any place. However, there has been no comprehensive summary of research measuring user satisfaction with mobile social network services or their effects on behavior. Therefore, the present study summarizes previous literature on the measurement of mobile social network services, including mobile system quality, mobile information quality, and mobile social quality. Furthermore, we explore the user behavior of mobile social network users, including social activities, user engagement and conversion. This study collected 1,664 valid Taiwanese mobile internet users’ samples through an online survey. Using two-order confirmatory factor analysis, the study enhanced the model for the measurement of mobile social network service quality. In addition, through SEM analysis we found that the mobile social system and information quality directly affect mobile social quality; moreover, social activities and engagement directly affect conversion. Based on these findings, we provide advice to researchers, marketers and mobile social network providers.


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