  • 學位論文


Analysis on Stakeholders for Water Protected Area Based on the Concept of Integrated River Basin Management – A Case Study for the Residents in Feitsui Reservoir Watershed

指導教授 : 龎元勳


翡翠水庫供應大臺北地區500萬人民生用水,十分重要。要確保翡翠水庫的水質,僅依靠現有土地使用管制手段,達成目標的機會不大,若能推動整合性流域管理,以全區域、多目標及多面向方式,同時面對北勢溪流域整體問題,較有可能大幅提升水庫水質並減緩淤積速度,以延長水庫使用壽命。   成功推動整合性流域管理的必要條件之一為民眾參與,特別是利害關聯者的參與,故對於利害關聯者的瞭解,格外重要。本研究為瞭解在地居民對於翡翠水庫集水區目前管理制度、未來朝永續發展規劃及水資源永續利用的認知與態度,以問卷調查方式進行深入分析。   結果顯示在地居民有幾項重要的特質及看法:(1)對於永續發展及水資源永續利用有高度認知,且對河川水質的維護責任表示認同。(2)認為目前較嚴格的土地使用管制不合理,且回饋措施有待加強,而最迫切的需要是增加工作機會。(3)土地使用管制及建築管理應適度放寬,以滿足基本的居住及工作權利;另對維持現有較嚴格的土地使用管制,近半居民傾向有條件同意。(4)有強烈意願參與管理工作及決策過程。(5)交叉分析結果,在地居民生活滿意度普遍較高,且女性高於男性,另高中職以下學歷者滿意度較大專以上者為低;回饋措施部分,老一輩的較偏好直接發給現金;另40歲以上且高中職以下學歷者有較高的意願參與管理工作。   統計分析可知,二十多年來的土地使用管制已對在地居民形成潛移默化效果,故其環境認同及永續觀念程度較佳。惟目前較嚴格的管制政策下,如何相對地提高回饋,以求在管制與回饋間取得平衡,是未來推動整合性流域管理須面對的主要問題。


Feitsui Reservoir is highly significant in terms of supplying domestic water to the 5 million people in greater Taipei area. To ensure the water quality of Feitsui Reservoir, the mere reliance on means of control over land use is unlikely to achieve such objective. It is more likely to substantially improve the water quality of the reservoir and reduce sedimentation, thereby extending the life of reservoir, through the promotion of integrated watershed management and at the same time facing with the overall problems of the Beishi river basin in a regional, multi-objective and multi-dimensional approach.   One of the necessary criteria for successful promotion of integrated watershed management is public participation, and particularly the participation from stakeholders; therefore the understanding to stakeholders is highly important. The study conducts in-depth analysis using questionnaire survey to understand the cognition and attitudes held by the local residents towards the existing management system, planning for future sustainable management and planning, and the sustainable utilization of water resources for Feitsui Reservoir.   The results revealed several important characteristic and views of the local residents; including (1) The residents are highly cognitive towards the sustainable development and sustainable utilization of water resources, who also recognize the preservation responsibility for the water quality of rivers. (2) The residents consider the rigid control over land use is unreasonable and the feedback measures have yet to be improved. Increasing employment opportunities needs to be put into priority. (3) The control over land use and management of buildings should be moderately deregulated to meet the rights of residence and work. In contrast, the more rigid control over land use should be preserved since nearly half of the residents take positions with conditional consent. (4) The residents show strong intention to participate in management and decision-making process. (5) According to the cross analysis, the local residents generally show satisfactory lifestyle and the women show more satisfaction than men. Residents with education in high school or vocational high school have lower satisfaction than those with colleges or above. For feedback measures, the elder generation prefers direct reimbursement in cash; on the other hand, residents over the age of 40 and with education below high school or vocational high school tend to participate in management more.   Statistical analysis shows that, the control over land-use in the past two decades have resulted in subtle effects for local residents. Consequently, the residents own better environmental cognition and sustainability concepts. Nonetheless under the more rigid existing control policies, how to considerably increase feedback in order to maintain balance between control and feedback is the major issue to be faced by the integration of watershed management in the future.


1.Christensen, N. L., A. M. Bartuska, J. H. Brown, S. Carpenter, C. D. Antonio, R. Francis, J. F. Franklin, M. G. Turner & R. G. Woodmansee (1996), The Report of the Ecological Society of America Committee on the Scientific Basis for Ecosystem Management, Ecological Application, 6(3): pp.655-691.
3.European Union (2010), Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.
