  • 學位論文

戰後台灣都市不動產市場價格變動之政治經濟分析 - 資本循環的觀點

The Political Economic Analysis of the Price Change of the Urban Real Estate Market in post-war Taiwan : from the viewpoint of the circuit of capital

指導教授 : 李承嘉


受國際金融海繡影響,世界各國經濟成長呈現大幅衰退,房價亦多呈現下跌現象,與此相反,台灣都會地區不動產價格近年來反而不斷地飆漲。雖然影響不動產價格變動包含了許多因素,但這些個體影響因素並無法解釋在經濟普遍不景氣之下,都會區不動產仍然持續高漲的現象。本文企圖引用Harvey資本第二循環的觀點,做為前述現象的理論基礎,在資本循環架構中,Harvey認為,資本家具有將過剩資本流入都市建成環境中以化解危機之傾向;此外,國家會藉由各項法令政策制定與推動,來活化不動產市場,以利資本於空間的流動及注入,並帶動不動產價格的上漲。   Harvey的資本循環架構由Smith進一步衍伸提出租隙理論,並應用在都市再開發命題上。其認為,都市在不斷擴張發展後,會導致租隙出現,即預期再投資效果出現,此代表存在著有利可圖的空間;再加上不動產具有保值、獲利空間大及可長期進行資本積累之特性,便會吸引資本之投入,進而帶動不動產價格之飆漲,也創造出資本第二循環之環境。但根據憲法規定,我國是節制資本之國家體制,此便不利資本之流動,因此,是否能夠利用資本第二循環解釋我國不動產價格飆漲之結構性原因是有待驗證的。故本研究將藉由分析戰後政府推行的土地政策與資本第二循環之間的關係,檢視國家在政策推行中角色之轉換及策略之改變,並進而利用第二循環理論解釋台灣都市不動產價格飆漲之結構性原因;以及透過都市更新個案觀察具體驗證租隙擴大情形及資本第二循環,使本研究之研究命題更具說服力。


With the impact of the international financial crisis,many nation encountered economic growth decline,the price of real estate had showed droped,too.On the contrary,the price of real estate in Taiwan metropolitan districts had rised in recent years.Although there are much factors which influence the price of real estate,it can not explain that rising price of real estate in ecnomoic depression by these individual factors.This study attempts to accept the viewpoint of secondary circuit of capital of Harvey as the theoretical basis.In the circuit of capital,Harvey believed that capitalists tend to use excessing capital to the urban built environment to solve the overaccumulation crisis .In addition,the state will active the real estate market by formulating some policies and regulations.It can promote the price of real estate.   Based on Harvey's theory foundation,Smith proposed the rent gap theory and applied in the urban redevelopment.It considered that the rent gap will appear after constant urban expansion.It was also viewed as the chance to obtain profits.In addition,real estate which is provided with the features of preservation property and long-term space for capital accumulation,it will attract capital investment to create the secondary circuit of capital.However,according to the constitution,it tended to regulate capital flow.Therefore,it should be proved that we can use the secondary circuit of capital to explain the rising price of real estate in Taiwan.Therefore, this study will examine the government’s role transformation and strategy by analyzing the relationship of the post-war government's land policy and the secondary of the capital,and using the secondary of the capital to explain the rising price of real estate in Taiwan.In order to be more convinced,it use the observation of specific cases of urban renewal to examine rent gap expansion.


李承嘉,2007,土地、人民與國家- 民眾對土地政策選擇的歷史觀察,土地問題研究季刊,第1卷第7期,頁2~33。


