  • 學位論文

應用IMS ePortfolio標準於個人網路出版工具之研究

On personal web log publication tool under IMS e-Portfolio standard

指導教授 : 徐國鈞


學習歷程檔具有評估、展示及反思個人或團隊學習發展及成就累積的特性,藉由學習歷程記錄,可以由學習者自我評估、反思學習活動的廣度與深度,以做為日後持續進修的參考,企業並可做為員工個人之任用、考績與升遷的參考依據,因此學習歷程的可攜性及互通性格外引起重視。 順應部落格發展的趨勢及系統以時間序列記錄數位內容的特性,本研究提出一個以IMS ePortfolio標準為基礎,應用個人出版工具部落格為e-Portfolio達成資訊互通性的整合應用。本研究利用RSS文件匯集機制透過與IMS ePortfolio標準規格標籤之間的對映,透過RSS及Content Packaging與學習管理平台互通。XSLT樣式轉換的技術提供e-Portfolio離線瀏覽的弁遄A讓e-Portfolio包裝的資料不必限於必須在線上環境中才可以讀取,並可輕易的存放於任何儲存設備,將包裝檔案應用於學習管理平台並通過TELCERT測試進行驗證,最後將部落格與學習管理系統於e-Portfolio應用的相關構面進行比較,說明在現行環境中加入本研究系統對於改善e-Portfolio資訊互通性之貢獻。


Portfolio features the individual estimation, presentation and introspection as well as organizational development and achievement. For the purpose of the portfolio record, individuals are able to take it as the reference resources for future self-education by doing the self-estimation and self-examination. It could be applied to the an enterprise as a standard for human resource department to evaluate the recruitment, performance and promotion. Therefore, the portability and compatibility of Portfolio are very important nowadays. e-portfolio is able to provide a digital record of individual life, working, learning and introspecting status. By responding to the trend of Blog development and property of systematically digital storage based on the time sequence, my study brings up a standard on the basis of IMS e-Portfolio which can be applied to the individual Blog to achieve the integrated application of information exchange. This study takes advantage of the methods of RSS documentary collection and the cross-reference of the standard tag of IMS E-Portfolio to conclude the compatibility of the platforms between Content Packaging and Knowledge Management. The technology of XSLT allows e-Portfolio to be accessed even when the users are on the off-line status and stored in any form of storage media. It can be applied and verified to the knowledge management by the packet files. Eventually, we can make the comparison of E-Portfolio application between Blog and Knowledge Management system and conclude what the benefits will be for the information exchange while putting this study into the current application.


e-Learning RSS e-Portfolio Blog


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