  • 學位論文


The Research of Optoelectronics Industry Equipment Computerize Maintenance Management System Decision

指導教授 : 李文瑞


台灣光電產業持續成長,整體產值已突破一兆台幣。但光電業投資成本高,尤以設備成本佔大部分,估計台灣投資在光電設備支出佔了全球光電設備支出的45~47%,加上設備折舊,致設備投資成本甚高。但各工廠卻普遍缺乏系統化的預防保養機制與科學化的設備更換決策,因此,為達到整體設備效率最大化、無預警停機時間最小化,本研究首先探討『電腦化維修管理系統』 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)之設備維修實施現況,進而研究如何利用本系統建立設備保養與更換之決策準則。本研究結論對於企業在提高設備使用率、品質維護、及降低成本上具有重要參考價值。 本研究係以國內某大型玻璃基板製造商之『電腦化維修管理系統』為對象,該系統係將工廠內有關設備維修與保養等作業電腦化,從建立每個設備的基本資料開始,到設備例行性點檢以及定期的檢測規劃,與工單、備品領用流程的管制,乃至設備之備品、物料、使用工具等等的採購與驗收,都以電腦軟體作詳細的規劃與管控。但由於管制對象差異甚大,各種影響因素包括設備年限、維修成本、設備風險等級等皆有不同,因此本研究利用此系統,以統計分析方法,建立設備與零件修理或更換、調整之理論依據,進而規劃各設備與零件之維護時程,提供生產的堅實基礎。


The continuously growth of the Photoelectric industry has cause the overall income over trillion of New Taiwan dollar. The facilities cost has occupied most of the investment cost, plus the depreciation of the facilities which cause the investment cost increase. Taiwan has approximately spent 45% to 47% of the facilities cost compare to the world. But most of the factories are lacking of the systematized precaution maintenance scientific exchange of facility policy; therefore in order to maximized the effectiveness of the facilities and minimized the off machine timing, this research will first study the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and the outcome. In this research with help the industries to upgrade the usage of the facilities, quality maintenance and reduce cost as an important reference. The case company is becoming the main spare parts supplier in domestic. This research is base on CMMS which use in factory that relatable to the facility repair and maintenance in computerized. Starts from each of the basic information of the facilities to regular testing plan, work order will also use computer software to list the detail of the planning and controlling. As the control target difference is too huge; several of influence factors include life of equipment service, repair cost and facility risk. Therefore this research utilized this system in an analytical method; set up equipment and spare part or change adjustment of the foundation. Plan the maintain timing on each facility and spare parts to provide a firm foundation of the production.


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