  • 學位論文


Taxonomic study of the Genus Cladophora of fresh water in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張穗蘋 王一匡


剛毛藻屬(Cladophora)為綠藻門(Chlorophyta)石蕁綱(Ulvophyceae)剛毛藻目(Cladophorales)剛毛藻科(Cladophoraceae)為泛世界種,除極冷地區外,海水、半鹹水、淡水均有出現,本屬在全世界上約有400多種,但主要出現在鹹水水域,台灣地區目前有發表紀錄的剛毛藻有13種,但均屬海域的剛毛藻。 台灣地區之淡水水域整年在水質偏硬(主要在台灣苗栗以南至恆春半島)地區,當流速介於0.18~0.37m/s的淺水水域,可見大量的剛毛藻著生,生物量可達117 g dry weight/m2。而影響其所在的棲地環境,又因其易於被觀察及收穫,故許多研究認為其適宜作為生態工法的水生植物、環境指標生物及開發為具高價值之生物材料。但在國內有關淡水的剛毛藻分類研究卻付之闕如。故本研究藉由文獻回顧,整理剛毛藻屬的分類特徵,包括營養細胞長寬度、植物體的分支方式、接合方式、細胞核的數量及於細胞中的分佈、接合孢子形狀寬長及其他特徵。並於台灣的淡水溪流、淺塘、溝渠、水田等棲地採集剛毛藻樣本,以顯微鏡觀察分析比對,發現台灣地區剛毛藻生態型(Ecotype)變異極大,但均應屬Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutzing一種。本研究初步確認台灣地區淡水剛毛藻屬僅前述種類一種,本種為台灣地區新紀錄種,結果將可做為國內淡水剛毛藻屬分類、形態與生理學及在環境監測、生物材料開發等研究之基礎。


The species of Cladophora (Cladophoraceae: Cladophorales: Ulvophyceae: Chlorophyta) are worldwide distributed. They present in sea water, brackish water and fresh water. There are more than 400 species in the world, mostly present in sea water. In Taiwan, 13 species have been published so far, and all of them present in sea water. The yearly fresh water quality of Taiwan is rather hard (The main fresh water area lies between the south parts of Maoli to Hengchun Peninsula). A large number Cladophora grow in the shallow water area where the velocity of flow is between 0.18~0.37m/s, and the biomass reaches 117 g dry weight/m2. Because of its influence to habitat, and also the characteristic of easy to be observed and harrested, Cladophora has been suggested as suitable aquatic plant for ecological engineer, indicator for environment, and also a biomaterial of high developmental potential. Yet there are no study concerning the taxonomy of Cladophora in Taiwan. The present study reviewed the literatures related the classification characteristic of Cladophora, which included the length and width of vegetative cell, the way of split and conjunction, the amount of nucleus, the distribution of nuclei in the cell, and other features. The present study also collected Cladophora samples in fresh water streams, shallow ponds, trenches, and paddy fields in Taiwan. The samples were analyzed and compared under microscope , the results indicated that all the samples should be Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutzing, however, a huge variety existed among their ecotypes. The present study had preliminarily identified the newly recorded species of Cladophora in Taiwan, which referred to Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutzing, and the results can provide a basis for studies concerning the taxonomy of Cladophora, the morphology and physiology of Cladophora, and also help to development of environmental monitoring and biomaterial.


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