  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations on Knowledge Sharing Intention and Behavior

指導教授 : 呂德財


本研究旨在瞭解國小教師其內外在動機對知識分享意願與行為之關係與影響,並分析不同背景變項教師在知識分享動機上之差異。研究方法為問卷調查法,以台南市公立國小教師為研究對象,取樣方式以學校規模採分層隨機抽樣,樣本資料採單因子變異數分析及線性迴歸等方式進行分析處理。 研究結果發現,內外在動機對國小教師知識分享意願具有顯著之影響;內在動機中之自我成長及利他有顯著之影響,外在動機之聲譽及互利有顯著影響,而保健及權力則未達顯著性之水準。再者,國小教師知識分享意願對知識分享行為具顯著正向之影響。 在教師背景變項的研究結果發現,知識分享的內在動機會因性別、現任職務的不同而有所差異;外在動機則因年齡、服務年資及超額壓力的不同而有所差異。最後提出增進國小教師知識分享意願與行為做法之建議。


This study aims to investigate the influence of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on elementary school teachers' knowledge sharing intention and behavior and analyze the differences in knowledge sharing intention between the teachers of different background variables. The method conducted is a questionnaire survey targeting the public elementary school teachers in Tainan city. Stratified random sampling is done according to the school sizes, and the survey data is analyzed with the method of one-way ANOVA and Linear Regression Analysis. Research results are as follows: The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have a significant effect on the elementary school teachers' knowledge sharing intention. Self-growth and altruism in the intrinsic motivations, and reputation and reciprocation in the extrinsic motivations have a significant effect, while the effect of health care and power in the extrinsic motivations does not reach the significant level. Also, the elementary school teachers' knowledge sharing intention has a significant effect on their knowledge sharing behavior. In terms of the teachers’ different background variables, the intrinsic motivations vary according to their gender and position, while their extrinsic motivations vary according to their age, seniority and the pressure of being a surplus teacher. As a conclusion, suggestions are made on how to enhance knowledge sharing intention and behavior among elementary school teachers.


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