  • 學位論文


Fabrication of transparent electrode applying to GaN-based Light Emitting Diode

指導教授 : 林俊良
共同指導教授 : 甘廣宙(Kwang-Jow Gan)


本論文是選用可替代ITO的一種透明導電薄膜-銦鋅氧化物(Indium Zinc Oxide,IZO),來研究薄膜光電特性及實際應用在發光元件。在本論文中第一部份我們進行了IZO薄膜的光電特性分析,經製程參數調變的結果來討論在做一個合理的解釋。第二部份則是經過第一部份薄膜特性分析後找到最佳製程參數後,我們將IZO薄膜沉積於半導體材料—正型氮化鎵(P-type GaN)進而製造藍色發光元件,這個部份我們將討論IZO薄膜與氮化鎵接觸的問題來進行研究。 第一部份我們探討改變製程參數(射頻功率、工作壓力、氬氣流量)對IZO薄膜光電特性的影響,實驗結果得知由製程最佳製程參數所得到的薄膜最佳特性為 : 電阻率2×10-4Ω-cm,電子濃度為2.18×1021 cm-3,電子遷移率為1.32×101 cm2/V-sec,可見光範圍之平均光穿透率為90%。 第二部份則是使用射頻磁控濺鍍系統將製程最佳參數IZO薄膜沉積在正型氮化鎵磊晶片上,做為發光二極體透明電極層。在未經退火處時,因IZO與p-type GaN功函數差異甚大所以IZO/p-type GaN接面結構為蕭特基接觸。為解決蕭特基接觸之問題我們先行在二片p-type GaN上以E-gun蒸鍍200Å的ITO與In2O3薄膜在以sputter濺鍍IZO/ ITO與In2O3/p-type GaN薄膜。由結果得知多增加200Å的ITO與In2O3薄膜層可大大降低片電阻值,所以將這二片製作成發光二極體,經由點測資料結果顯示,IZO/ITO/p-type GaN結構之發光二極體與商業用LED比較,光衰減了7.6%。IZO/ In2O3/p-type GaN結構之發光二極體與商業用LED比較,光衰減了16.6%。


The present paper is selects may substitute ITO one kind of transparent conductive oxide thin film-Indium Zinc Oxide, Studies the thin film photoelectricity characteristic and the practical application is Light Emission Devices。The first part we have carried on the IZO thin film photoelectricity characteristic analysis in the present paper, Through make parametric accent changes the result discusses is making a reasonable explanation。Second part we IZO thin film deposition to semiconducting material —P-type GaN make blue Light Emiting Doide, This part we will discuss the IZO thin film and the GaN contact question conduct the research。 The first part we discuss the change make parametric (radio frequency power, working pressure, Ar current capacity) to the IZO thin film photoelectricity characteristic influence, Experimental result learn best make parametric obtains best thin film characteristic: Resistivity 2×10-4Ω-cm,carrier concentration 2.18×1021 cm-3,Mobility 1.32×101 cm2/V-sec, Visible light scope average Transmittance is 90%. The second part is best make parametric IZO thin film deposition on the p-GaN, make it for LED transparent electrode layer. When unannealing, because IZO and p-type GaN work function difference really greatly therefore IZO/p-type the GaN for Schottky contact。By the result knew increases 200Å ITO and the In2O3 thin film level may greatly reduce the sheet resistance。After result demonstration, Compare with the commerce with blue LED, IZO/ ITO/ p -type GaN Light decay~7.6%,IZO/In2O3/p-type GaN Light decay~16.6%


IZO films Sputter ZnO


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