  • 學位論文


Examining Success at the Global, Regional and Local Box-Office in the Motion Picture Industry

指導教授 : 劉現成


摘要 電影具有文化與經濟雙重屬性,在文化創意產業中也具有領導性地位,電影的蓬勃發展能帶動電視、音樂、遊戲、動畫等相關影音娛樂產業的發展,並引領眾產業邁向國際市場,具有龐大的文化影響力及高度經濟價值。當前全球電影市場主要由好萊塢獨步全球,其高度發展的電影工業與完善的運作體制,帶動每年龐大的發行規模與經濟效益。然而電影產業鉅額成本及無法預料的高風險特質,形成龐大的發行壁壘,令電影產業更加難以預料。電影身為一種商品,想要持續運作就必須考量其商業市場,唯有充足的獲益才能夠支撐產業永續運作發展。 本研究以國內外電影商業運作理論,探討分析當今全球電影不同規模市場的商業運作模式,藉以呈現其發展脈絡與形式特色。並援引巴里利特曼(Barry Litman)的票房成功變量因素:「電影類型、MPAA分級、明星與導演、製作預算、評論、大發行公司發行、發行檔期、發行模式、競爭力量、奧斯卡獎項」等影響票房成功的變量因素,分析各規模市場產出的電影,以實例方式探討其運作過程與其商業性操作,藉以從中發現影響電影商業成功的模式。由於市場規模不同造成電影生產環境條件的殊異,不同規模電影自然難以相提並論,因此本研究以電影產製過程中,共通固定的環節流程,剖析各環節運作內容,藉以呈現比對其運作模式之間的差異,從市場的範疇出發,分別從全球、區域與在地的市場來檢視電影作為一項商品的特性,藉以重新審視台灣電影在發展上的特質。


Abstract The motion picture is a property that contains both cultural and economical effect, and it stands in a leading position of the cultural creativity industry. With the cultural effect and the high economical value, the prosperous development of the motion picture will influence the related multi-media entertainment industries such as TV, music, games, and animation films; and will take them to the international market. The highly developed motion picture industry and properly operating system have made Hollywood the head of the industry with large scale release and great benefit. However, the enormous cost and unpredictable risk can be a great barrier and make it more difficult when releasing a motion picture. The eternal development relies on sufficient benefit. As a product, the motion picture has to take its market into consideration when thinking about long last operation. The research is based on the internal and international commercial motion picture operating theories. It is to analyze the operating systems of the global markets with different scales and to show the characters of each development. By taking the living examples, it is practicable to analyze the operating processes and the strategies taken in the motion pictures from markets of different scales. It is difficult to compare 2 motion pictures when the markets and budgets are so different, thus, the research examines the characters of motion pictures of the local, regional, and global markets based on the common making processes and the operating content of all links, and reconsiders the specialty of the Taiwan motion picture development.


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魏玓〈合製文化:反思全球化下的國際電影合製〉,《新聞學研究》,頁127-164, 2006年10月,89期。

