  • 學位論文


The fabrication and characteristic analysis of high efficiency organic solar cells

指導教授 : 蔡夢華


在本文中研究藉由改變太陽能電池主動層的退火溫度、旋轉塗佈速率、乾燥時間、及元件有效面積,進而提升電池之光電轉換效率。 元件使用鍍有ITO之玻璃為基底,將P3HT、PCBM 以1:0.8 重量比混合,然後旋塗於ITO玻璃上,並分別於溫度110 °C、120 °C、130 °C及140°C下各退火10分鐘, 實驗結果得到最佳的退火溫度為120°C,元件開路電壓(Voc)、短路電流密度(Jsc)、及填充因子(FF)分別是0.53V、4.97 mA/cm2、及53%,光電轉換率(PCE)為1.39 % 。 我們改變元件面積及主動層厚度,大幅提升了電池的短路電流密度,並得到最佳的元件輸出特性分別為Voc =0.48V,Jsc =12.17 mA/cm2 ,FF=46%,PCE =2.71%,此電池之有效面積為0.04cm2,主動層旋轉塗佈速率1200 rpm。


In this work, polymer solar cells performance, such as open-circuit voltage (Voc), short-circuit current density (Jsc), and power conversion efficiency (PCE)under the influence of the annealing temperature, active layer spinning speed, effective device area, and active layer drying time are studied. First, a 2 cm x 3 cm piece of glass with ITO coated on it was used as the substrate. The active layer was then spin coated on it withP3HT/PCBM (1:0.8) subjected to heat treatment at 110, 120, 130, and 140°C for 10mins have been investigated. The measured open-circuit voltage(Voc), short-circuit current density(Jsc), fill factor(FF), and power efficiency of device subjected to heat treatment at 120°C are 0.53V, 4.97 mA/cm2,53%,and 1.39%, respectively. We change the device active area and active layer thickness to improve Jsc, and we got the best device spin coating speed at 1200rpm for Voc =0.48V,Jsc =12.17 mA/cm2 ,FF=46%,PCE =2.71% in 0.04cm2 active area.


P3HT PCBM Solar Cell


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