  • 學位論文


Study on augmented reality applying on poster information added

指導教授 : 張耘之


在時代的轉變中,媒體的變革從未停止,為了因應各時代的需求,媒體也需要針對其不足之處不斷的在形式做完化,經本研究文獻分析,並將海報與其它傳播媒體做比較後,海報確有其獨特優勢存在,例如便利性與機動性、張貼時間長,具有重復宣傳效果等等獨特性皆有其本身的相對優勢存在,但現今海報與網路整合媒體後的媒體相比之下,在媒體的互動性上呈現相對弱勢,本文將探討將海報結合現今原有之技術與網際網路特性,藉此以增加海報之互動性、資訊多元性,以期有效提升海報之媒體觸達率與記性度,使海報在新的時代依然能達到理想的效果。 再經一連串的技術比較後,本研究以現有資訊海報的QR Code為基礎,結合具互動形式的擴增實境技術加以整合,開發新的資訊方塊﹣兩用條碼,藉以使具有兩用條碼的海報在手持式行動裝置閱覽下能增添影音、互動等形式,在經嚴謹的實驗流程,建立兩用條碼的組合規範及具體形式,供實際運用時能快速建置本研究所開發之兩用條碼於新型能海報上,並透過深入訪談共同探討未來新型態海報於實際運用時的預期效益及未來展望,供後續研究之用。


Reforms for media never stop in the era of change. The media has to be evolved in forms mainly on its limitations to meet the requirements of the times. According to the analysis from the document, with the comparison between poster and other communications media, poster does have its unique advantage. However, the current poster was relatively weak at the respect of interaction in contrast with the media integrated by the network. This paper will investigate in the poster combining previous, current technologies with the network property, aiming at increasing poster’s interactions and information diversities, effectively improving poster’s contact rate and memorable degree to achieve a desired result in a new period of time. After a series of techniques comparison, based on OR code of current informative poster, this study developed a new information module, which is dual-use bar code. It is integrated with the technique of Augmented Reality, in which an interaction form was contained. It is to add audio, video and interaction forms for posters with dual-use bar code for handheld mobile devices’ browsing. Assembling standard and specific forms for dual-use bar code were established through rigorous experimental procedure, which is to rapidly develop dual-use bar code researched in this study for new types of posters in actual application. In addition, the expected benefits and future prospect of posters of new types in actual application can be explored through in-depth interviews, for future follow-up study.


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