  • 學位論文


Understanding political participation and self-presentation on Facebook: A cultural perspective

指導教授 : 鄭安授


創立於2006年的社群網站Facebook,不僅是全球社群網站的龍頭,也是台灣最受歡迎的社群網站。Facebook提供使用者在網路上展演自我的空間,也被視為具有促進政治參與的潛力。然而,社群網站政治參與的相關研究,多將自我展演、政治參與視為文化普遍的行為與現象。本研究認為,在社群網站自我展演與政治參與行為中,從文化特殊性的層面進行探討,具有重要意義。因此,本研究從和諧、面子、與關係等概念,探討華人社會Facebook使用者的政治展演行為。 研究透過質性的深度訪談法,選擇14位Facebook使用者進行訪談,意欲了解在和諧觀的文化下,關係與面子如何影響使用者的政治參以及自我展演,而政治參與作為一種自我展演,又展現出什麼樣的文化特色。 研究結果顯示,使用者在不同的情況下看見政治,成為他們政治社會化的脈絡。除此之外,使用者的政治展演能夠分成「潛水者」、「專家」、「理念家」等角色,他們在發表內容前仔細斟酌、同時追求自己的獨特性,但在和諧觀文化的影響下,使用者往往選擇較為不卑不亢的中庸之道進行展演,同時也處處為他人留面子。另外,在政治展演的同時使用者面對的是面目模糊的觀眾,影響了他們的政治展演行為。同時在Facebook上進行政治參與時,必須以理性作為前提互動,使用者也期待互動的對象能夠是程度相當的高手;然而,相較於公開的參與,使用者往往偏向在私訊空間討論議題,顯示在台灣文化脈絡下政治受到的污名化。


華人文化 自我展演 Facebook 政治參與 面子 關係 和諧


Founded in 2006, Facebook is one of the most popular social network sites around the world, and it also has the highest penetration in Taiwan. Related researches have proved that Facebook is an online stage for self-presentation, and is proved to help online political participation. However, related works have taken self-presentation and online political participation as a cultural universal phenomenon, and discussions through cultural perspective are insufficient. This research studied Facebook self-presentation and online political participation through a Taiwanese cultural perspective. Cultural factors such as harmony, face, and guan-xi was discussed in the current research. 14 in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 Taiwanese Facebook users in this research to understand how Taiwanese culture affects Facebook users’ self-presentation and political participation behavior. The research data indicates: 1. Users have gone through political socialization in different contexts. 2. Three different “roles” in political self-presentation are found including “lurkers”, “experts” and “idealists”. How culture influence these characters are discussed. 3. Under the “perfect performance” playbook, when Facebook users are engaging political discussions, they always try to save face (mianzi) for others. Also, they take a moderate (Zhongyong) way in political participations. 4. Facebook as a political participation space, being “rational” is one of the most important interaction premise. And users like to interact with other users who they think is worth talking to. Additionally, users tend to discuss political issues in private messenger implies that politics is stigmatized in Taiwanese social context. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


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