  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Sensor Controller and Management System for Power Saving in a Green Campus

指導教授 : 蘇暉凱


近年來由於石化能源使用殆盡,國際原油價格持續飆漲,使得發電成本增加;同時在人們生活水準上升情況下,用電量逐年大幅度的成長。在能源有限的前提之下,節約能源的技術仍有很大的改善及檢討空間,如何有效地使用電力與節約能源成為一項很重要的議題。由於校園環境單純、使用族群特定,教室密集度高,大部分教室都配置大量的燈光設備與多台冷氣及教學資訊設備,一旦這些使用者沒有妥善的使用設備,像是使用完畢之後卻沒有隨手關閉電源、冷氣溫度設定過低等情形,這些將造成電能大量浪費。因此,本論文提出以教室環境為基礎,設計綠色校園節能感測監控及管理系統,進行有效率地能源監控與管理。本系統分為感測控制器、感測閘道器、監控中心三個部份,第一個部分為無作業系統的微控制器,整合乙太網路 (Ethernet)、感測器、繼電器、RFID;第二個部分為嵌入式系統,收集大量感測控制器的數據並且彙整;第三個部分為監控中心包含資料庫和Web 介面;並且利用現有的校園網路來進行資料傳遞。管理者可透過監控中心觀察溫度與亮度,在監控中心可以瞭解亮度變化與溫度變化,並且判斷冷氣溫度與電燈使用的合理性;使用者識別證件權限判斷教室能源使用權力,並且結合課表的上下課時間、溫度及亮度變化的合理性給予主動式關閉教室能源來避免不必要浪費,達到節能減碳目的。


能源監控 感測網路 RFID 綠色校園


Due to the exhaustion of fossil energy and the continuous increase of international crude oil prices in recent years, the cost to generate power has been increased. Moreover, because of the improved living standards, the annual electricity consumption has increased significantly. Under the premise of limited energy, there is still much room for improvement and review of the energy conservation technologies. Therefore, how to effectively use power and conserve energy has become a very important issue. The campus environment is simple, the application group is specific, the classroom density is high, and each room is equipped with a large amount of lighting equipment, more air conditioners and more teaching information devices. Once the users do not properly use the equipment, such as not turning off the power after being finished using them, or setting the air-conditioner temperature too low, it will result in a tremendous waste of energy. Therefore, the thesis proposes a power-saving control and management system to efficiently process energy monitoring and management based on a campus environment. The system is divided into sensor controller, sensor gateway, and monitor center. The first part is a non-OS (Operating System) micro-controller, which integrates Ethernet, sensors, relays, and RFID reader; the second part is an embedded-system device, which collects and summarizes a large amount of sensor controllers’ data; the third part is the monitor center, which includes a database and Web Server. It uses the existing campus network for data transfer. The active control of energy is applied to avoid waste and achieve the purpose of energy saving and carbon reduction.


energy monitor sensor networks, RFID green campus


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