  • 學位論文


The Influence of Modes for Spatial Arrangement in Chinese Garden to Landscape Preference and Attention Restoration

指導教授 : 李彥希


「壓力」自邁入二十一世紀以來,在高度文明發展的社會裡一直是個相當重要的議題,也是人們日常生活幸福感與否的重要指標。在人煙稠密的都會空間裡,塵囂擾嚷、生活繁瑣、人們經常需要一處可以自我放鬆、自我調節、恢復生活壓力的環境。 過去許多的學者研究證實,自然環境對於人們的注意力恢復具有療效( Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989 )。但是就目前腹地狹小的都市公園與綠地空間,如何展現出如同自然環境般之恢復效果,正是在景觀規劃、空間設計上刻不容緩之事。 明 計成在《園冶》一書,對中國園林之論旨,「雖由人作,宛自天開」。學者陳從周(1983)也提出中國園林是以自然山水為景境的創作。王毅(2008)認為中國園林在哲學層面提供最佳的角度,使人們有機會在自己心靈的深處,面對和思考人生之中一些更具意義之事。中國園林自古以來即提出「天人合一」的概念,在景觀變化、空間意境上,向來是文人墨客寄情、移情及抒情之地,有城市山林、遠離塵囂的效果。此與 Kaplan & Kaplan (1989)所提出的注意力恢復理論之四個恢復性環境特徵,有其合理性相關之處。因此,中國園林空間營造手法是一種可以導入都市公園、綠地景觀的設計手法。 本研究方法依據文獻探討而得知,中國園林景觀可分為五種主要造景手法(借景、障景、對景、框景、點景),以此五種造景手法,親自赴中國園林現地景觀作照片實地拍攝。再篩選出十張最具代表五種造景手法之照片和受測問卷,對一般民眾進行網路問卷調查,並將所獲得之資料作資料統計與分析。 研究結果顯示不同的中國園林造景手法,對觀賞者之注意力恢復因子與景觀偏好因子均具有顯著差異。而中國園林景觀之景觀偏好因子與注意力恢復因子之間具有相關。並證實中國園林空間造景手法之借景與對景,在增進人們的注意力恢復與景觀偏好上最具有效果。


Into the twenty-first century, "Pressure" is an important issue for the urban people in the highly development of civilization society, is whether or not people's lives, an important indicator of happiness. In densely populated metropolitan space, hubbub bustle, tedious life, people often need a space which can self-relaxation, self-regulation, to restore life stress. Many past studies have confirmed that the natural environment has the effect of restoring people's attention (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989). But for now the hinterland of small urban parks and green space, like how to show the effect of the natural environment as the recovery, it is imperative in landscape planning, spatial design. Chinese gardens in the landscape changes, spatial conception, from ancient that is literati focussed, empathy and lyrical, there are right close by mountains, away from the hubbub of the effect. Kaplan & Kaplan (1989) proposed to the Attention Restore Theory of four restorative environmental characteristics, should have with its related . Therefore, the spatial arrangement in Chinese garden should be a space can introduce modern urban parks, especially in the hinterland of small neighborhood parks, green spaces ribbon design practices. The results showed that different Chinese garden landscaping practices, the viewer's on the attention restoration factors and landscape preference factors were significantly different. And in the Chinese garden landscape, the landscape preference factors and attention restoration factors among relevant.


