  • 學位論文


Assessing the operational efficiency of semiconductor industry in Taiwan-Applying a three-stage data envelopment analysis

指導教授 : 楊太宏


本研究以台灣半導體產業為研究主題,並以2007至2009年間該產業92家廠商為研究對象。隨著產業競爭激烈,台灣半導體產業廠商如何保持競爭力,而透過效率的衡量,可幫助廠商了解其競爭優勢與劣勢、經營管理的缺點,與資源使用的情況。因此,本研究應用三階段資料包絡分析法來衡量台灣半導體產業的營運績效,並提供廠商經營策略訂定之參考。 結果顯示第一階段實證台灣半導體整體產業的純技術效率大多數小於規模效率,而針對相對有效率的廠商進行交叉效率分析,得出台積電排名第一。第二階段投入差額對環境變數迴歸分析,估計環境變數和品質變數造成的影響,並調整投入項數值,調整後所有的決策單位便處於公平的競爭環境;同時,進行麥式分析,結果顯示有七個決策單位的總要素生產力(TFP)衰退。第三階段結果顯示,造成台灣半導體產業技術無效率的原因為規模無效率,表示經營規模較小的公司,決策者應加以思索公司的營運策略。最後,本研究發現,台積電在各年的經營效率表現穩定且良好,經營績效反映出台積電晶圓代工為我國第一。


This research tried to estimate the operational efficiency of Taiwan semiconductor industry, and used 92 companies data from 2007 to 2009 as the research object. With the fierce competition among industries, the Taiwan semiconductor industry should maintain the competitive power, by the measurement of efficiency, it can help the manufacturer to understand its competitive superiority and inferiority, the shortcomings in management and operation, and the condition in resource usage. Consequently, this research applies three stage DEAs to measure the operation performance of Taiwan semiconductor industry, the finding of this research may give correct judgment decision and suggestions to improve the operational efficiency. The stage one empirical result, the Taiwan semiconductor overall industry with each industrial average efficiency value lower than the scale efficiency, and relatively efficient firms proceed cross-efficiency analysis, the number one is TSMC. The second stage is to investigate the relationship between difference in amount and environmental variables by regression analysis, estimate the impact resulted from environmental and quality variables, adjust the value of inputs, and then all the decision-making units are at a fairly competitive situation; the same time, the Malmquist analysis showed that there are seven units in total factor productivity (TFP)of decision-making recession.The stage three research finds causes of Taiwan semiconductor industry technique inefficiency derive from scale inefficiency, expressed that the smaller companies, policy-makers should be thinking about the company's business strategy. Finally, the study finds, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's operating efficiency in all years of stable and good performance, this performance is reflected in the foundry TSMC, the world's first.


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