  • 學位論文

基於知識本體技術及混搭Web 2.0服務應用在雲端運算平台

Application of Cloud Computing Platform based on Ontology and Mashup Web 2.0 Service

指導教授 : 許乙清


由於網際網路的普及與Web 2.0技術的應用,社群活動資訊發佈在網路上已是一種趨勢,如會議活動、公益活動、藝文活動,且這類資訊量非常龐大,傳統使用者透過瀏覽網頁的方式,在大量資訊中使用關鍵字搜尋或手動過濾出感興趣的活動資訊,是費時且不便的,而使用者取得這類資訊是局部訊息、非主動性與即時性的,這主要是因為目前的服務是缺乏智能,無法快速比對與過濾出使用者感興趣的資訊,為主要的限制。為此,本研究提出多層式雲端架構服務模式,整合Web 2.0技術、語意網技術與雲端運算平台Hadoop,發展具智能社群活動雲端平台(Intelligent Community Activities Cloud Platform,簡稱ICACP),並建置Web-Based的具智能研討會雲端網站,目前許多網路服務都整合語意網技術來賦予系統智能或增加資料的檢索能力,平台利用OWL(Web Ontology Language)來建立社群活動領域的知識本體(Ontology),並定義抽象類別之間的關係與產生物件之間的關聯性,建立完成的知識庫將提供平台進行語意推論,並透過記錄使用者喜好的個人化輪廓(User Profile)知識本體,進行快速比對與過濾出使用者感興趣的資訊,而雲端運算是近年來在網際網路上新興的資訊服務與發展模式,雲端運算平台Hadoop提供叢集式電腦架構與分散式運算環境是其特點,用來處理海量資料(Big Data)是非常快速的。本研究提出以多層式雲端架構服務模式為基礎,混搭(Mashup)現有的Web 2.0技術應用及整合語意網技術在Hadoop上,來增加平台的可擴展性與處理龐大的社群活動資料量,並驗證其效能。


The popularization of the internet and the applications of Web 2.0 technologies gave rise to the trend of publishing information related to community activities such as conference activities, public welfare activities, and cultural events on the internet. Using conventional web page browsing methods, users must manually filter through significant amounts of information or make use of keywords to find information on activities that they are interested in, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. The information that users obtain is local, passive, and instantaneous, and due to the lack of intelligence, current website services cannot quickly compare and filter information that users want, thereby presenting a major limitation. In view of this, we proposed a multi-layered cloud-based service model that integrates Web 2.0 technologies, Semantic Web technologies, and the cloud computing platform Hadoop. We also developed an intelligent community activities cloud platform (ICACP) and established an intelligent Web-Based cloud site for seminars. Semantic Web technologies have been incorporated in many website services to provide the systems with intelligence or increase search capabilities. Our platform uses Web Ontology Language (OWL) to establish the ontology of the community activities domain. We defined the relationship between abstract classes and generated connections between objects to complete the knowledge base that the platform uses for semantic inference. By recording the ontology of user profiles, the platform can quickly compare and extract information that users are interested in. Cloud computing is an information service and development model that emerged in the last few years. The cloud computing platform Hadoop is particularly efficient in processing big data, featuring a clustered computer framework and a distributed computing environment. Based on the multi-layered cloud-based service model, we developed a mashup of existing Web 2.0 applications and Semantic Web technologies and integrated the mashup with Hadoop to increase the scalability of the platform and the amount of information that it can process related to community activities. We verified the effectiveness of the proposed model.


Cloud Computing Semantic Web Ontology Map Reduce Hadoop


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