  • 學位論文


Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Training System-Haptic Rendering, Tissue Flip, Elastic Deformation and Surgical Cutting Development

指導教授 : 王文騰


本論文之目的為開發一套膽囊摘除微創手術之模擬訓練系統,針對膽囊摘除微創手術中膽囊拉動後的彈性變形、因膽囊被拉動而造成肝臟翻動的變形以及將膽管、血管剪斷等特效做開發,並導入力回饋設備讓使用者在拉動膽囊時有力量的感受。 本論文使用Eon Professional作為系統的開發平台,利用質點彈簧系統(Mass Spring System, MSS)演算法模擬膽囊在拉動時之形變效果,並藉著膽囊之形變量,調整肝臟在空間中的位置以達到翻動的效果,最後結合平面方程式與質點彈簧系統模擬膽管、血管剪斷時之回彈效果。在整個手術模擬的過程中,皆使用ANN(Approximate Nearest Neighbor)資料結構搜尋演算法,搜尋器械在軟組織上的鄰近點,此鄰近點即代表器械在軟組織上拉動或者切割的位置。 除了力回饋硬體設備外,本研究也嘗試在EON的環境下使用RS232作為軟硬體的溝通介面,藉由兩台PC相互傳遞資料的方式測試其傳輸的結果,在未來若使用不同的硬體設備與本系統整合時,此結果可作為彼此訊號傳遞的參考依據。由本論文中的實驗結果得知,EON與3ds Max具有相當高的整合性,先在3ds Max裡繪製好模型的貼圖並貼附於模型上,最後將結果匯出成EON專案檔。此系統可以讓使用者對於膽囊摘除手術的流程與操作更加了解,進而提升使用者對於膽囊摘除微創手術之熟練度、正確度。


The purpose of this paper is to develop laparoscopic cholecystectomy training system, in laparoscopic cholecystectomy training system, the elastic deformation of the gallbladder after pulling, since the gallbladder is pulled cause liver flip deformation, cut the bile duct and blood vessels and other Special effects do develop, and import force feedback devices provide users to feel some force when you pull the gallbladder. In this paper, using the Eon Professional as a system development platform, utilizing mass spring system algorithm simulation deformation effect when the gallbladder is pulled, by the amount of deformation of gallbladder, adjust the position of the liver in space to achieve the rollover effect. Finally, use plane equation and mass spring system simulation the rebound effect when bile duct and blood vessels are cut. In the surgery simulation process, use approximate nearest neighbor data structure, search instrument the adjacent point in the soft tissue, this near point which represents the instrument pull or cut on soft tissue position. In addition to force feedback hardware device, this study also attempts to use RS232 at EON's software and hardware environment as a communication interface, with two computers transfer data to each other way to test the results of the transmission, in the future, if using different hardware devices and system integration, this result can be used as each other signal transmission reference. Known from this paper experimental results, EON and 3ds Max has a very high integration, first in 3ds Max draw a good model texture, and attached on the model. Finally, the results will be exported to EON project file. This system allows users better understanding of processes and operations, and thus enhance the user laparoscopic cholecystectomy proficiency, accuracy.


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