  • 學位論文


Effects of Red, Blue and Green Light-emitting Diodes on The Growth and Development of Lettuce and Orchid

指導教授 : 羅朝村


本研究以皺葉萵苣-翠妹(Lactua sativa L. var. crispa L.)、不結球白菜-三鳳二號(Brassica rapa chinensis)和三種花色品系之蘭花(Phalaenopsis amabilis)為實驗材料,探討利用高效能發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode,LED)之不同光源比對作物生長、發育及病害發生的影響。萵苣實驗的光源處理包括: RGB(R 52.5 % + B 22.5 % + G 25 %, LED)、RBFL1(R 40% + B 10% + FL 50% = R 52.5% + B 22.5% + G 25%, LED+ fluorescent)、7R3B(R 70 % + B 30 %, LED)及FL(作為控制組);光子量、光週期和溫度(明/暗)分別為400 μmol/m2/s、20 hr及 28/25℃,結果顯示在RGB處理下與控制組相比能促進其生物質量、葉片數量、可溶性醣類含量和總多酚類含量增加。此外,RGB處理組也會降低植株的硝酸鹽含量。在白菜炭疽病之發生的研究條件,除了光週期改為16 hr外,其他則在相似的光源配比處理下,在RGB處理組下亦能有效低降低菌絲生長和植株炭疽病的罹病率。三種花色品系之蘭花的研究,光源處理以8R2B、7R3B、6R4B及FL(作為控制組);生長期光子通量、光週期和溫度(明/暗)為100與120μmol/m2/s、12 hr及31/28℃;在抽梗開花期,則僅光週期和溫度(明/暗)作調整為8 hr及25/18℃;結果顯示三種花色品系之蘭花生長在光子量為設定120μmol/m2/s下,在所有光源處理組相比,僅控制組葉長與葉寬的成長率均達到20 %以上,葉數的成長率亦可達到75 %以上。在光子量為100μmol/m2/s之7R3B處理組下,其花梗長度最長,而且抽梗率及開花率亦是最高。對於花苞數量而言,所有光源處理組相比,在光子量為120μmol/m2/s,控制組的花苞數量最多,達到7.73顆。


病害防治 生長 發育 發光二極體 光質


In this study, effect of different light sources including red (R), blue (B) and green light-emitting diode (LED) lights on the growth and development of lettuce (Lactuasativa L. var. crispa L.), orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) and disease resistant of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa chinensis), were evaluated. In lettuce test, photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), photoperiod, and air temperature (light/dark) was conducted to 400 μmol/m2/s, 20 hr, and 28/25 ℃ under different light sources such as, R 70% + B 30% (LED, 7R3B), R 52.5% + B 22.5% + G 25% (LED, RGB) and R 52.5% + B 22.5% + G 25% (LED+ fluorescent, RBFL1), and a white fluorescent lamp (FL, as a control) in growth chamber. The results indicated that the fresh weights of shoots and roots, number of leaf, soluble sugars and total polyphenol compounds of lettuce treated with RGB were significantly increased as compared with control light. However, the nitrate contents of lettuce was decreased, compared to that in the white fluorescent lamp control. In anthracnose disease of Chinese cabbage study under a similar light sources treatment except photoperiod of 16 hr, the mycelium growth of the pathogen treated with RGB was inhibited. The disease severity anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum higginsianum of Chinese cabbage treated with RGB were reduced as compared to treated with FL. In orchid study, PPF, photoperiod, and air temperature (light/dark) of orchid growth period was used as 120 and 100 μmol/m2/s1, 12 hr, and 31/28℃, respectively. But, flower-stalk and flowering period was conducted as 120 and 100 μmol/m2/s, 8 hr, and 25/18℃ under 8R2B, 7R3B, 6R4B and a white fluorescent lamp (FL, as a control) in growth chamber. The growth percentage of leaf length, leaf width and leaf number of three kinds of orchid cultivars treated only with the FL (120 μmol/m2/s) could be increased over 20% and 75%, respectively. However, the flower-stalk length of orchid treated with 7R3B (100 μmol/m2/s) was the longest among all treatments. Similarly, the percentage of flower-stalk emergence and bloom of orchid under 7R3B treatment were highest as compared to other LED-treatments, There was the most flower number per stalk of orchid treated with FL (120 μmol/m2/s). The average flower number per stalk of three cultivar orchids was 7.73.


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