  • 學位論文


The Decision of Queuing after the Witness of a Queue: A Study of the Cognitive and Brainwave Responses

指導教授 : 梁直青


排隊現象不僅是大眾司空見慣的消費行為,其中伴隨的管理效益也在近年來開始被服務供應商們關注著,實務上也不斷出現各種排隊管理方針來加強消費者願意加入或是留在隊伍中等候之意願。然而,排隊決策卻是有如黑箱運作般的難以去衡量其管理成效,因為決策是在經由一連串複雜的人體內部認知處理後所發生的最終行為,所以本研究決定透過腦波量測技術搭配情境模擬實驗方式來了解實務上最常被使用的「等候時間」與「排隊人數」兩種排隊資訊管理方針對於顧客等候決策歷程中所造成的影響,並同時搭配事後問卷來確認受試者對於這兩種排隊資訊的認知情況,並於等候時間實驗中納入個人時間風格、等候容忍度、決策回應類型作為分群變數,以進一步比較不同特質群組間的認知差異。 在等候時間資訊實驗方面,本研究以迴歸分析發現到等候時間資訊能顯著為顧客帶來正向情緒反應,而以三個分群變數進行的探照燈分析(spotlight)顯示各群組之等候時間資訊認知對於等候正、負面情緒皆無顯著差異;而腦波訊號分析發現到純等候資訊刺激相較於時間資訊刺激有著較大的腦波訊號變化,而且人在面對純等候資訊時,前250毫秒的腦波訊號會有著較大的震盪變化,但是兩種資訊刺激皆會造成300至350毫秒間出現了高波訊號;而本研究亦嘗試透過模糊統計手法將連續值的腦波資料轉換為離散值,並透過相關分析確認十百分位數之轉換法與原始數值之相關性最高,而本研究接續以此法進行資料探勘之次序分析,並成功計算出數萬筆規則,並進一步於純等候資訊及等候時間資訊刺激下的比較發現到兩者有著不一的腦波變換規則。 另一方面,在排隊人數資訊實驗中,本研究同樣透過迴歸分析了解到等候人數資訊能顯著減弱顧客的負向情緒反應,但其正面情緒影響則未達顯著。但多位受試者會是呈現先偵測到頂葉、顳葉上方頭皮表層訊號較強的狀態,爾後是接續為額葉上方之頭皮表層訊號較強,並持續在二或三以上的區域間移轉;而當受試者面對「排隊人數資訊」與「純排隊場景資訊」時的腦波歷程變換亦有所差異。


Queuing behavior is a universal consumption phenomenon to service industry. Many companies attend to the management issues about the unavoidable waiting situation and establish many management policy to make consumer willing to wait or stay. However, consumer decision making is the ultimate behavior that occurs after a series of complex human cognitive processes, so it’s hard to observe as usual. This study was apply braiwave experiment with two kinds of queueing situation simulation and to detection the real reaction of comsumers. On the other hand, this paper also used questionnaires to understand the consumers’ queuing perception and include personal time style, waiting tolerance and decision type as grouping variables. The analytical results of questionnaire showed providing waiting time information will bring consumer positive emotion, but no significant difference in three grouping variables. However, when providing the information of queuing people will decrease the consumer negative emotion. In addition, the analytical results of brainwave response showed that consumer will had high wave from 300 to 350ms on FP1 after consumer receive waiting time information, but the waiting information without time will make consumer brainwave had larger change at 0 to 250ms. This study convert the continuous value of brainwave data into discrete values by fuzzy statistical techniques and confirm the LN10H method had the highest correlation with the raw data. Then, use sequence pattern analysis of data mining to find the tens of thousands of rules of brainwave. Otherwises, this study used 32 channel to observer the effect of queuing information of waiting line in front of store. The analytical results showed the stronger signals from scalp surface near paterial and temporal lobe first, than the power would transfer from the scalp surface near frontal lobe.


Queuing Phenomenon Waiting Decision EEG Data Mining


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