  • 學位論文


A Study of the Personality, Leisure Participation Types and Creativity for Primary School Students

指導教授 : 李彥希


本研究主要之目的在探討國小學童之不同人格特質及休閒參與類型在創造力表現上是否具有顯著的差異,並以實驗方式探討「創造思考休閒活動教學課程」設計對國小學童創造力之影響。本研究以便立抽樣方式,選取「雲林縣大埤鄉大埤國民小學」及「雲林縣斗南鎮斗南國民小學」兩所小學之學童進行問卷調查,有效樣本295份。 本研究工具包括:「人格特質量表」、「休閒參與類型量表」、「新編創造思考測驗」及「創造思考休閒活動教學方案」,所得之資料分別採描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數分析及preason 積差相關等統計方法加以分析,本研究之重要結果包括: 一、國小學童在「開放的學習性」、「勤勉正直性」及「外向性」等三種人格特質愈高,其創造力表現也會愈佳。 二、「運動型」、「技藝型」及「知識文化型」休閒活動參與愈多之國小學童,其創造力表現也會愈佳。 三、不同性別之國小學童在創造力中的「語文獨創力」及「圖形獨創力」表現上具有顯著差異。在「語文獨創力」方面,女學童明顯要優於男學童;在「圖形獨創力」方面男學童則明顯優於女學童。 四、不同出生序及管教方式之國小學童在創造力表現並沒有顯著的差異。 五、是否參與學校社團之國小學童在創造力表現會有顯著差異。有參加學校社團之學童的創造力表現明顯要優於未參加者。 六、創造思考休閒活動教學方案對國小學童在「語文獨創力」、「圖形變通力」及「圖形精進力」之提升有顯著效果。 最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以供相關單位人員在教育及學術研究上做為參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand the difference of creativity between personality and leisure participation types for elementary school students. By surveying with questionnaires, we collected the required data and obtained 295 valid samples with convenience sampling from elementary school students in Yunlin County (Dapi elementary school and Dounan elementary school). The employed instruments included Personality Scale,Creativity Test(Verbal-Bamboo chopsticks,figure-人),Type of leisure participation Scale and Creative thinking leisure teaching model.The applied analysis methods were Descriptives, t test, One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), Pearson product moment correlation and the major findings of the study were concluded as follows: 1. Students having more personality with “openness to experience” ,“conscientiousness” and “extraversion”,their creativity were better.Students having more leisure participation in the type of ”sports”,”skill” and ”knowledge culture”,their creativity were better. 2. Gender differences in students’ “language’s originality” and “figure’s originality”performance were evident. With regard to the language’s originality, boys’ performances were better; with regard to the figure’s originality, girls’ performances were better. 3. There was no significant difference of students’ creative in different birth order and parenting style. 4. There was significant difference between the students participating in school club activity or not.Students participating in school club activity, their creativity was better. 5. After creative thinking leisure teaching model, students’ “language’s originality”,“figure’s flexibility” and “figure’s eleaboration” performance were better. Finally, some suggestions were proposed for teachers, relative educational institutions, parents and further study.


personality leisure participation creativity ATDE


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