  • 學位論文


Development and Validation of an Aerial Robot for PM2.5 Detection

指導教授 : 李孟澤


本研究的目的是要建立一套無人飛行器自動偵測空污值之系統,讓無人飛行器能夠透過偵測出選定飛行範圍內的PM2.5值分布圖,透過即時汙染梯度圖來達成找出空污汙染源之目的。 本研究使用一套Pixhawk飛行控制系統、4G LTE模組以及PM2.5感測器來進行;Pixhawk是一套穩定且功能齊全的嵌入式飛行載具控制器,此系統提供開源程式以及功能完善的即時監控地面站;4G LTE模組是一套穩定且成熟的無線傳輸模組,用以傳輸及時汙染資訊,並記錄在雲端的資料空間裡;而PM2.5感測器是一個搭載在載具上可以即時量測出PM2.5空污值的模組化感測器。本研究將4G LTE模組與PM2.5感測器整合至配備有Pixhawk飛行控制系統的無人飛行器上。 本實驗已成功建構一架多旋翼無人機來作為即時空污偵測與紀錄的飛行載具。將4G LTE模組以及PM2.5感測器安裝於多旋翼無人機上,讓飛機飛經之路徑上的PM2.5值以及經緯度可以即時上傳至本實驗室所架設的雲端,並即時顯示在Google Map上讓使用者以圖形化的介面來觀看空污即時分布資訊,這就構成了一套所謂的空污即時監控系統。建立PM2.5空污偵測無人飛行器之系統,為本研究的主要貢獻。


The purpose of this reaerch is to establish an airborne system for automatic air pollution detection via a UAV, so that the UAV can locate air polluting source by detecting the gradient of PM2.5 value distribution within the given range. This development is mainly based on a multi-rotor UAV 、Pixhawk control board 、4G LTE module and a PM2.5 sensor. Pixhawk is a stable and functional perfection embedded controller designed for the unmanned vehicles, it provides open source codes which allowing user to create new function on it, and it also features a real-time functional perfection ground station that allows user to plan their specific flight missions; the 4G LTE module is a popular and reliable wireless telemetry module used here to transmit sensor value and location data; the PM2.5 sensor is a module which can detect onsite air pollution value. All those modules were integrated on the Pixhawk control board based UAV to function as an airborne air pollution detecting robot in this research. As for the pollution data sampled from the UAV, the PM2.5 value marked with latitude and longitude information can be simultaneously uploaded to a cloud, which built in our laboratory, hence it will immediately displayed on a Google Map page. The establishment of PM2.5 air pollution detection unmanned system is the main contribution of this research.


Multi-rotor UAV 4G LTE PM2.5 Pixhawk


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[1] Drone 100,http://iq.intel.com/100-dancing-drones-set-world-record/
[3] 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5),http://web.tydep.gov.tw:8080/tydep/pm2.5/m2.html
[4] PM2.5細懸浮微粒,https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/health/an2krnv.html
