  • 學位論文


The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Price perception on Word‒of‒Mouth Communication and Revisit Intentions of Low‒Cost Airlines in Vietnam

指導教授 : 鄭錳新




Due to the quite similar quality of service but lower fares than the traditional one, low‒cost airlines have a competitive advantage and taking a breakthrough steps globally. Not out of this trend, Vietnam's low‒cost airline is also taking on a huge market share in Vietnam and has become one of the largest in the Asian and fast growing airline globally. This study investigates the effect of low‒cost airline service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, tests a combination model of customer satisfaction associated with price perception of service (included monetary price and behavior price) on word‒of‒mouth (WOM) and revisit intention in the context of the Vietnam low‒cost airline industry using Structural Equation Modeling. With 396 low‒cost airline passengers sample size, we found service quality dimensions have an effect on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction to be combined with price perception have an effect on passengers' WOM, from that also affect their revisit intention. Moreover, there also exist a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and WOM mediated by monetary price perception.


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