  • 學位論文


An Investigation for QFD Application Construct and Information of Rooms

指導教授 : 簡德金


品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)因能依使用者的不同需求,進行應用與分析,故屹立不搖35年,且被學術界與實務界廣泛引用。但當使用目的、應用範疇及考慮方法有所差異時,卻易造成紛亂與誤用,甚至影響決策效益。 為有效解決此問題,本研究(1)透過文獻回顧,說明傳統與現代QFD之應用目的與意涵、架構、資訊項目及方法論;(2)運用質性訪談法及PDCA管理循環,歸納學者使用QFD之「房間」、「時機/目的」、「資訊項目」、「方法論」及其相關強度;(3)透過層級分析法,掌握「資訊項目」在不同「時機/目的」下之各項目權重值;(4)提出QFD之完整應用模型,以方便使用者正確且有效地運用QFD;(5)說明此模型之應用價值及管理意涵。 本研究成果,誠如受訪企業主管所言,不僅淺顯易懂,且能讓使用者輕易掌握核心意涵,更能具體呈現指引方向,作為推廣至各部門之指南。故企業可藉此,降低誤用QFD之失敗風險,並提升使用效益及決策品質。


A procedure is Quality Function Deployment (QFD) can be applied and analysed to different demand of user, it had been unshakable for 35 years and been widely cited by the academic communities and practitioners. When the purpose, application scope and methodology of consideration are varied, it must cause confusion, misuse and affect the benefit of decision-making. To effectively address the issue, this study uses qualitative interview, PDCA management cycle and Analytic Hierarchy Process presents a complete application model of QFD allowing users accurately and efficiently master QFD. The achievement of this study is not only easy to understand, but also allows users easily grasp the core meaning. Further, it specifically presents directions as guidelines promoting to each department. Thus, enterprise can use this to decrease the risk of failure due to misuse of QFD and also enhance the benefit of use and the quality of decision-making.


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